Daily Archives: July 10, 2018

Slovakia and Roma

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Discussions on Roma integration, access to school, and sustainability of Roma programs is being discussed in Slovakia. This article centres on three topics, education, especially for women; poverty; and unemployment.

– Riešenia i úspešné príklady sú, no chýba vytrvalosť v rómskej otázke. In: SME Blogs. 09.07.2018. https://michalsivak1.blog.sme.sk/c/487888/riesenia-i-uspesne-priklady-su-no-chyba-vytrvalost-v-romskej-otazke.html

Counting Roma

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Salvini’s proposal to count Roma boils down to fuelling hate… It is a populist move but is dangerous. Two articles on the subject (The Swiss one is a copy of the German one).

– Nur der Hass zählt. In: Tages Anzeiger. 10.07.2018. https://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/ausland/europa/nur-der-hass-zaehlt/story/10453493
– Nur der Hass zählt. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. 03.07.2018. http://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/sinti-und-roma-in-italien-nur-der-hass-zaehlt-1.4038393?reduced=true

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