Daily Archives: July 13, 2018

Slovakia: Court Decision

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The Regional Court in Prešov definitively decided that the town of Sabinov and the Ministry of Construction acted in a discriminatory manner in the way they handled Roma and non-Roma inhabitants when moving homes in the city centre. They had decided to move the Rom out of the town’s centre.

– Sabinov a ministerstvo podľa súdu pri vysťahovaní Rómov diskriminovalo. In: Korzar. 12.07.2018. https://presov.korzar.sme.sk/c/20868844/mesto-sabinov-a-rezort-vystavby-podla-sudu-konali-diskriminacne-pri-vystahovani-romov.html
– Sabinovských Rómov presťahovali diskriminačne, rozhodol o tom súd. In: TA3. 12.07.2018. https://www.ta3.com/clanok/1131767/sabinovskych-romov-prestahovali-diskriminacne-rozhodol-o-tom-sud.html

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