Daily Archives: July 15, 2018

Croatia and its Past

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An interview of Goran Miljan, author of the book “Croatia and the Rise of Fascism” published by Tauruns (2018).

– La Croatie face à son passé fasciste. In: La Liberté. 13.07.2018. https://www.laliberte.ch/news/magazine/societe/la-croatie-face-a-son-passe-fasciste-447094 [link-preview url=”https://www.laliberte.ch/news/magazine/societe/la-croatie-face-a-son-passe-fasciste-447094″]


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The president of the ultra nationalist Ukrainian C14, Eugene Karas missed a good opportunity to shut up. In an interview with Glavkom, he described how, according to him, in Ukraine it is possible to “socialize” Roma and described how his group “polices” the streets of Ukrainian cities.
As a reminder – C14 was behind the attack in Kiev against a Roma camp.

– Націоналісти запропонували рецепт соціалізації ромів в Україні Повний. In: Glavkom. 13.07.2018. https://glavcom.ua/news/nacionalisti-zaproponuvali-recept-socializaciji-romiv-v-ukrajini-512457.html [link-preview url=”https://glavcom.ua/news/nacionalisti-zaproponuvali-recept-socializaciji-romiv-v-ukrajini-512457.html”]

Roma in the Ukraine

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In a UNN interview, a human rights activist, Zemfira Kondur, vice president of the Russian Chikryli Women’s Foundation said that today, up to 400,000 Roma live in Ukraine, but only 5-7% of the total live in camps and migrate around the country. The official numbers of Roma are much lower, essentially because most Roma simply don’t declare their origins.

– Today, up to 400,000 Roma live in Ukraine, but only 5-7% of the total live in camps and migrate to the country. In: UNN. 12.07.2018. http://www.unn.com.ua/uk/exclusive/1740902-pravozakhisnitsya-lishe-5-7-romiv-v-ukrayini-vedut-taboroviy-sposib-zhittya [link-preview url=”http://www.unn.com.ua/uk/exclusive/1740902-pravozakhisnitsya-lishe-5-7-romiv-v-ukrayini-vedut-taboroviy-sposib-zhittya”]

French Chronicle …

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A French politician from Marine Le Pen’s extreme right party “Rassemblement National” – formerly the Front National – has published a video of himself in front of a Roma camp claiming success in his fight so that at long last “Marseilles finally becomes Marseille again”.
Other news are more usual. A camp closed and a few families re-housed in Champs-sur-Marne near Paris; the fate of squatters in Melun-Vaux-le-Pénil will be fixed this week; a family of Roma is housed in a temporary housing site in the North; and in Toulouse, the city ponders what to do after having evacuated a camp.

– Marseille : Stéphane Ravier, les Roms, sa com’. In: FR3 France Info. 12.07.2018. https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/provence-alpes-cote-d-azur/bouches-du-rhone/marseille/marseille-stephane-ravier-roms-sa-com-1511391.html
– Champs-sur-Marne : 70 Roms évacués des bidonvilles ce mercredi matin. In: Le Parisien. 11.07.2018. http://www.leparisien.fr/seine-et-marne-77/champs-sur-marne-70-roms-evacues-des-bidonvilles-ce-mercredi-matin-11-07-2018-7816782.php
– Champs-sur-Marne : un gymnase réquisitionné pour héberger en urgence les Roms. In: Le Parisien. 13.07.2018. http://www.leparisien.fr/seine-et-marne-77/champs-sur-marne-un-gymnase-requisitionne-pour-heberger-en-urgence-40-roms-13-07-2018-7818687.php
– Champs-sur-Marne : une aide de l’Etat pour abriter cinq familles roms. In: Le Parisien. 11.07.2018. http://www.leparisien.fr/seine-et-marne-77/champs-sur-marne-une-aide-de-l-etat-pour-abriter-cinq-familles-roms-11-07-2018-7816851.php
– Melun-Vaux-le-Pénil : le sort des squatteurs de l’ancien hôpital fixé ce vendredi. In: Le Parisien. 12.08.2018. http://www.leparisien.fr/vaux-le-penil-77000/melun-vaux-le-penil-le-sort-des-squatteurs-de-l-ancien-hopital-fixe-ce-vendredi-12-07-2018-7817907.php
– La famille Lingurar a emménagé dans le Sas Roms de la commune. In: La Voix du Nord. 14.07.2018. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/416656/article/2018-07-14/la-famille-lingurar-emmenage-dans-le-sas-roms-de-la-commune
– CAMPEMENTS DES IZARDS ET CHEMIN DE LA BUTTE : QUELLES SOLUTIONS APRÈS L’ÉVACUATION ? In: Le Journal Toulousain. 12.07.2018. https://www.lejournaltoulousain.fr/societe/campements-des-izards-et-chemin-de-la-butte-57702 [link-preview url=”https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/provence-alpes-cote-d-azur/bouches-du-rhone/marseille/marseille-stephane-ravier-roms-sa-com-1511391.html “]
