Daily Archives: July 16, 2018

Ukraine and Integration

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Guess who is taking charge of the Roma integration in Odessa in the Ukraine… The police.
The head of the Department of Juvenile Prevention of the Odessa City Police Department, Colonel of Police Vitaliy Kapulyak, spoke with the head of the Romani congress, with whom he discussed ways of overcoming the problems related to violations of the legislation and minor offences by young Roma.
Well, this won’t really work, won’t it?

– Одесская полиция занялась интеграцией ромов в украинское общество. In: Slovo. 13.07.2018. http://slovo.odessa.ua/news/28630-odesskaya-policiya-zanyalas-integraciey-romov-v-ukrainskoe-obschestvo.html

Leipzig: Exhibition

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An exhibition in Leipzig is showing photographs of Sinti taken in central Germany between 1932 and 1939. Hanns Weltzel, the photographer knew the families and published some of his work in the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society in 1935.

– Ausstellung zu Sinti und Roma im Felsenkeller. In: Leipziginfo. 14.07.2018. https://www.leipziginfo.de/aktuelles/artikel/leipzig/2018/07/ausstellung-zu-sinti-und-roma-im-felsenkeller/

Ukraine: Kindergarten Burns

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A kindergarten burnt down in Mukachevo in Western Ukraine. The police is investigating and suspects arson.

– На Закарпатье горел детский сад ромов. In: Telegraf. 15.06.2018. https://telegraf.com.ua/ukraina/mestnyiy/4251045-na-zakarpate-gorel-detskiy-sad-romov.html
– На Закарпатье сгорел детский сад ромов. In: RBC. 15.07.2018. https://www.rbc.ua/rus/news/zakarpate-sgorel-detskiy-sad-romov-1531671705.html
– На Закарпатті згорів ромський дитячий садок. In: RBK. 15.07.2018. https://www.rbc.ua/ukr/news/zakarpate-sgorel-detskiy-sad-romov-1531671705.html

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