Daily Archives: July 18, 2018

Moscow Clean Up

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The story of the clean-up in Moscow prior and during the world cup. Clearly some Roma were affected.

– Roma Purged from World Cup as Moscow Undergoes ‘Clean-up’. In: Travellers Times. 16.07.2018. https://www.travellerstimes.org.uk/news/2018/07/roma-purged-world-cup-moscow-undergoes-clean [link-preview url=”https://www.travellerstimes.org.uk/news/2018/07/roma-purged-world-cup-moscow-undergoes-clean”]

Moscow Clean Up

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The story of the clean-up in Moscow prior and during the world cup. Clearly some Roma were affected.

– Roma Purged from World Cup as Moscow Undergoes ‘Clean-up’. In: Travellers Times. 16.07.2018. https://www.travellerstimes.org.uk/news/2018/07/roma-purged-world-cup-moscow-undergoes-clean [link-preview url=”https://www.travellerstimes.org.uk/news/2018/07/roma-purged-world-cup-moscow-undergoes-clean”]

Roma, Rome, and the Mafia

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The wife of one of the leaders of the notorious Roma mafia clan that reigned in Rome is repentant and is giving testimony to the police.
The clan was notorious an engaged in a whole range of criminal activities including extorsion, drugs, and prostitution.

– Colpo ai Casamonica: ad incastrarli la testimonianza della prima donna pentita. In: Democratica. 17.07.2018. https://www.democratica.com/focus/casamonica-raid-blitz-roma-mafia-capitale/
– Roma, 33 arresti nel clan Casamonica Il giudice: «Metodo mafioso» In: Corriere della Sera. 17.07.2018. https://roma.corriere.it/notizie/cronaca/18_luglio_16/casamonica-31-arresti-clan-giudice-droga-usura-estorsione-metodo-mafioso-1fee178a-892d-11e8-b6ba-4bfe4aefe0a3.shtml [link-preview url=”https://www.democratica.com/focus/casamonica-raid-blitz-roma-mafia-capitale/ “]

Roma, Rome, and the Mafia

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The wife of one of the leaders of the notorious Roma mafia clan that reigned in Rome is repentant and is giving testimony to the police.
The clan was notorious an engaged in a whole range of criminal activities including extorsion, drugs, and prostitution.

– Colpo ai Casamonica: ad incastrarli la testimonianza della prima donna pentita. In: Democratica. 17.07.2018. https://www.democratica.com/focus/casamonica-raid-blitz-roma-mafia-capitale/
– Roma, 33 arresti nel clan Casamonica Il giudice: «Metodo mafioso» In: Corriere della Sera. 17.07.2018. https://roma.corriere.it/notizie/cronaca/18_luglio_16/casamonica-31-arresti-clan-giudice-droga-usura-estorsione-metodo-mafioso-1fee178a-892d-11e8-b6ba-4bfe4aefe0a3.shtml [link-preview url=”https://www.democratica.com/focus/casamonica-raid-blitz-roma-mafia-capitale/ “]

Roma Gathering

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Roma from several countries are gathered and camp in a park in the Western Slovak spa town of Piešťany. It is apparently due to a vision of the Virgin Mary that a healer had on that spot. Many Roma – from the evangelical churches have been bringing their ill relatives are on the site.

– Rómovia z celého sveta kempujú v parku kúpeľného mesta: Do Piešťan ich láka veľká záhada! In: Novy Čas. 18.07.2018. https://www.cas.sk/clanok/718679/romovia-z-celeho-sveta-kempuju-v-parku-kupelneho-mesta-do-piestan-ich-laka-velka-zahada/
– Rómovia už niekoľko dní okupujú parčík v Piešťanoch. In: MY Trnava. 17.06.2018. https://mytrnava.sme.sk/c/20871828/romovia-uz-niekolko-dni-okupuju-parcik-v-piestanoch.html [link-preview url=”https://www.cas.sk/clanok/718679/romovia-z-celeho-sveta-kempuju-v-parku-kupelneho-mesta-do-piestan-ich-laka-velka-zahada/”]

Roma Gathering

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Roma from several countries are gathered and camp in a park in the Western Slovak spa town of Piešťany. It is apparently due to a vision of the Virgin Mary that a healer had on that spot. Many Roma – from the evangelical churches have been bringing their ill relatives are on the site.

– Rómovia z celého sveta kempujú v parku kúpeľného mesta: Do Piešťan ich láka veľká záhada! In: Novy Čas. 18.07.2018. https://www.cas.sk/clanok/718679/romovia-z-celeho-sveta-kempuju-v-parku-kupelneho-mesta-do-piestan-ich-laka-velka-zahada/
– Rómovia už niekoľko dní okupujú parčík v Piešťanoch. In: MY Trnava. 17.06.2018. https://mytrnava.sme.sk/c/20871828/romovia-uz-niekolko-dni-okupuju-parcik-v-piestanoch.html [link-preview url=”https://www.cas.sk/clanok/718679/romovia-z-celeho-sveta-kempuju-v-parku-kupelneho-mesta-do-piestan-ich-laka-velka-zahada/”]
