Daily Archives: August 7, 2018

Slovakia: It works!

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A report of a project in Rankovce, a small village in Eastern Slovakia. The Roma there have been building their own houses, buying the land from the commune, and to the “astonishment” of the people, they keep their houses in good order.
This project should definitively be extended!

– V Rankovciach svojpomocná výstavba domov pre Rómov funguje. In: Kosice 24. 01.08.2018. https://kosice.dnes24.sk/v-rankovciach-svojpomocna-vystavba-domov-pre-romov-funguje-305382

Ukraine: A Report

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A report of the situation and fears of Roma in the wake of the attacks against them in the Ukraine.

– Ukraine’s Roma live in fear amid wave of nationalist attacks. In: ABC News. 06.08.2018. https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/ukraines-roma-live-fear-amid-wave-nationalist-attacks-57057189
– Ukraine’s Roma live in fear amid wave of nationalist attacks. In: The Star Tribune. 06.08.2018. http://www.startribune.com/ukraine-s-roma-live-in-fear-amid-wave-of-nationalist-attacks/490146121/

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