Daily Archives: August 11, 2018

Slovakia: Atlas

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In connection with the preparation of the new Atlas of Romani communities, Ábel Ravasz, the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Roma Communities, to be released soon, he said that the atlas should give an up-to-date overview of the status of the Roma minority in the Slovak Republic at the beginning of next year.

– Ravasz: Zistenia nového Atlasu rómskych komunít očakávame v roku 2019. In: Teraz. 04.08.2018. https://www.teraz.sk/najnovsie/a-ravasz-zistenia-noveho-atlasu-romskych/340781-clanok.html

Odessa: Illegal Expulsion

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A court in Odessa ruled that the expulsion of 7 Roma families from a village following the murder of an eight-year-old girl and a pogrom in 2007.
It took a while …

– В Одесской обл. суд признал незаконным изгнание ромов из Лощиновки. In: 112.ua. 10.08.2018. https://112.ua/obshchestvo/v-odesskoy-obl-sud-priznal-nezakonnym-izgnanie-romov-iz-loshhinovki-457776.html

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