Daily Archives: August 17, 2018

Canada: No Extradition

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A Canadian lawyer successfully prevented the extradition of his Romanian client on the grounds that he is Rom and that his rights would not be ensured in Romania.
This is good in itself.
What is bad is that the Rom was involved in a fraud with trading companies in the early 2000’s.

– Roma man allowed to stay in Canada, says federal AG. In: Canadian Lawyer. 13.08.2018. https://www.canadianlawyermag.com/legalfeeds/author/gabrielle-giroday/roma-man-allowed-to-stay-in-canada-says-federal-ag-16083/ [link-preview url=”https://www.canadianlawyermag.com/legalfeeds/author/gabrielle-giroday/roma-man-allowed-to-stay-in-canada-says-federal-ag-16083/”]

Bosnia: Racism

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A really shocking article from Bosnia. Residents from Mostar are protesting because “many” Roma are coming to Mostar, are stealing, sexually harassing women, burning tires, and generally attacking inhabitants.
Well … Let’s not forget that these brave Bosnians were all in agreement to ethnically cleanse Roma out of their respective regions. As a result, they effectively deprived most Roma of their homes and of a living.

– Med staroselci vre: »Izpostavljeni smo krajam, spolnim nadlegovanjem ter fizičnim napadom Romov«. In: Democracija. 15.08.2018. http://www.demokracija.si/tujina/v-mostarskemu-naselju-vre-izpostavljeni-smo-krajam-spolnim-nadlegovanjem-ter-fizicnim-napadom-romov.html [link-preview url=”http://www.demokracija.si/tujina/v-mostarskemu-naselju-vre-izpostavljeni-smo-krajam-spolnim-nadlegovanjem-ter-fizicnim-napadom-romov.html”]

Slovakia: Employment

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Recent statistics show that employment numbers have improved for Roma in Slovakia but that Roma generally lag behind the rest of the population.

– Štyri grafy o zamestnanosti Rómov. In: Aktuality. 16.08.2018. https://www.aktuality.sk/clanok/615453/styri-grafy-o-zamestnanosti-romov/
– Zamestnanosť Rómov na Slovensku výrazne zaostáva, analytici hovoria o nízkej úrovni vzdelania. In: Web Noviny. 16.08.2018. https://www.webnoviny.sk/zamestnanost-romov-na-slovensku-vyrazne-zaostava-analytici-hovoria-o-nizkej-urovni-vzdelania/
– Zamestnanosť Rómov na Slovensku. Na tieto čísla sa dobre nepozerá. In: Parlamentnelisty. 16.08.2018. https://www.parlamentnelisty.sk/arena/monitor/Zamestnanost-Romov-na-Slovensku-Na-tieto-cisla-sa-dobre-nepozera-303794 [link-preview url=”https://www.aktuality.sk/clanok/615453/styri-grafy-o-zamestnanosti-romov/ “]
