Daily Archives: August 18, 2018

Romania – Action

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In Satu Mare, Roma activists donated blood and with the earned money, bought food and other necessities for a very poor family.

– FOTOGALERIE. Familie săracă lipită pământului, ajutată de rromi!. In: Presasm. 14.08.2018. https://www.presasm.ro/fotogalerie-familie-saraca-lipita-pamantului-ajutata-de-rromi/ [link-preview url=”https://www.presasm.ro/fotogalerie-familie-saraca-lipita-pamantului-ajutata-de-rromi/”]

Plovdiv – “Reportage”

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This kind of news is really not positive. Focus making a reportage on Plovdiv, telling that a part of the town is now called “Dortmund”. So far nothing bad, but they put it in relation to the current polemic around children social help that is supposedly abused.
How about saying that many Roma from Plovdiv actually go and work in Germany …

– Bulgarischer Stadtteil wird “Dortmund” genannt: Welche Ausländer wie viel Kindergeld beziehen. In: Focus. 13.08.2018. https://www.focus.de/politik/deutschland/streit-um-staatliche-unterstuetzung-bulgarischer-stadtteil-wird-dortmund-genannt-welche-auslaender-wie-viel-kindergeld-beziehen_id_9410329.html [link-preview url=”https://www.focus.de/politik/deutschland/streit-um-staatliche-unterstuetzung-bulgarischer-stadtteil-wird-dortmund-genannt-welche-auslaender-wie-viel-kindergeld-beziehen_id_9410329.html”]

Shivers …

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Alone the title of the paper “Deutsche Stimme” [German Voice] already gives the colour. But the text on the “problems” of Roma and on the measures that they are implicitly advocating is really bad.

– Sachsen-Anhalt: Klartext über Probleme mit den “Sinti und Roma”. In: Deutsche Stimme. 16.08.2018. https://deutsche-stimme.de/2018/08/17/sachsen-anhalt-klartext-ueber-probleme-mit-den-sinti-und-roma/ [link-preview url=”https://deutsche-stimme.de/2018/08/17/sachsen-anhalt-klartext-ueber-probleme-mit-den-sinti-und-roma/”]

False …

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During the night of the 29th of July, a shooting wounding 7 people was attributed by several newspapers to Roma travellers.
It turns out this was absolutely not the case. A very good analysis of the true facts.

– Tirs de Beaune : comment une rumeur a accusé à tort les gens du voyage. In: Le Monde. 16.08.2018. https://abonnes.lemonde.fr/les-decodeurs/article/2018/08/16/tirs-de-beaune-comment-une-rumeur-a-accuse-a-tort-les-gens-du-voyage_5343167_4355770.html#xtor=AL-32280270? [link-preview url=”https://abonnes.lemonde.fr/les-decodeurs/article/2018/08/16/tirs-de-beaune-comment-une-rumeur-a-accuse-a-tort-les-gens-du-voyage_5343167_4355770.html#xtor=AL-32280270?”]
