Daily Archives: August 27, 2018

Like the French

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Nothing to be proud of, but the Belgians are applying the same failed policies as their southern neighbour in the case of Roma: Repeated expulsions.
Bad …

– Neder-over-Hembeek : le groupe de Roms installé dans la rue des Prés Communs a été expulsé ce jeudi. In: BX1. 23.08.2018. https://bx1.be/bruxelles-ville/neder-over-hembeek-groupe-de-roms-installe-rue-pres-communs-a-ete-expulse-jeudi/
– La police évacue un camp de Roms rue du Pavillon à Schaerbeek. In: BX1. 20.08.2018. https://bx1.be/news/police-evacue-camp-de-roms-rue-pavillon-a-schaerbeek/ [link-preview url=”https://bx1.be/bruxelles-ville/neder-over-hembeek-groupe-de-roms-installe-rue-pres-communs-a-ete-expulse-jeudi/ “]

Education, Corruption, and More

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Rastislav Trnka, in early July, the president of Kosice Self-governing, filed a criminal complaint regarding a bribe he was offered and for the intimidation he has been subjected to related to the mismanagement of funds in the case of an education program in Sečovcia, which belongs to the Unesco School in Dobšin. Trnka said the operation of program was too costly for the region and there were suspicions of breaching the law. It is unfortunately a program aimed at integrating Roma …

– Trnka o elokovanom pracovisku v Sečovciach: “Nechcem zrušiť vzdelávania pre Rómov. Prekáža mi množstvo porušení zákona a plytvanie peniazmi nás všetkých”. In: Hlavne Spravy. 24.08.2018. https://www.hlavnespravy.sk/trnka-elokovanom-pracovisku-secovciach-nechcem-zrusit-vzdelavania-romov-prekaza-mi-mnozstvo-poruseni-zakona-plytvanie-peniazmi-nas-vsetkych/1500940
– Keď rozum nepustí… In: HN Kommentare. 24.08.2018. https://komentare.hnonline.sk/komentare/1798603-ked-rozum-nepusti [link-preview url=”https://www.hlavnespravy.sk/trnka-elokovanom-pracovisku-secovciach-nechcem-zrusit-vzdelavania-romov-prekaza-mi-mnozstvo-poruseni-zakona-plytvanie-peniazmi-nas-vsetkych/1500940 “]

Ukraine: Neo Fascists

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A report on the fears and lives of Roma in the Ukraine following the numerous attacks they have been subjected to by far-right extremists.

– ‘They wanted to kill us’: masked neo-fascists strike fear into Ukraine’s Roma. In: The Guardian. 27.08.2018. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2018/aug/27/they-wanted-to-kill-us-masked-neo-fascists-strike-fear-into-ukraines-roma [link-preview url=”https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2018/aug/27/they-wanted-to-kill-us-masked-neo-fascists-strike-fear-into-ukraines-roma”]
