Daily Archives: August 30, 2018

Roma Armee in Sweden

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A reportage on the Roma Armee performance in Sweden…

– https://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=2122&artikel=7030032 [link-preview url=”https://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=2122&artikel=7030032″]

Again …

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Another article about the Roma thieves in Kyiv’s railway station. And again the generalisations / stereotypes.

– Банда цыган на центральном вокзале Киева ворует деньги у пассажиров (ВИДЕО). In: UA Reporter. 27.08.2018. https://ua-reporter.com/news/banda-cygan-na-centralnom-vokzale-kieva-voruet-dengi-u-passazhirov-video [link-preview url=”https://ua-reporter.com/news/banda-cygan-na-centralnom-vokzale-kieva-voruet-dengi-u-passazhirov-video”]

Russia for Russians

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The head of the Federal National-Cultural Autonomy of Russian Gypsies told the press that the authorities pay little attention to the Roma, and that the media only write about them in a negative light. In Russia, the number of those who approve the slogan “Russia for Russians” has increased according to the Levada Center poll, which states that the share of citizens supporting such a statement has grown from 10 to 19%. As the “360” TV channel notes, the number of those who favour restriction of the rights of Roma to live in Russia has increased especially from 17 to 32%.

– Глава автономии цыган объяснила неприязнь россиян к кочевому народу. In: MSN. 27.08.2018. http://nsn.fm/society/glava-avtonomii-cygan-obyasnila-nepriyazn-rossiyan-k-kochevomu-narodu.html [link-preview url=”http://nsn.fm/society/glava-avtonomii-cygan-obyasnila-nepriyazn-rossiyan-k-kochevomu-narodu.html”]
