Monthly Archives: August 2018


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One the perils of outing oneself, when one is Rom.

– “Wer sich outet, hat Nachteile”. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. 10.08.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Book Review: Gypsies

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A review of a book “Gypsies: An English History” by David Cressy.

– Review: Gypsies: An English History by David Cressy — this ‘ragged, rabblement of rakehells’. 11.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

French Chronicle

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Not many news this week on Roma in France. Doesn’t really mean the expulsion policies are stopped, far from that. In the Lille region, in the North, several camps were closed. The press is now asking and what next? Maybe, they should have asked that before. Still in Lille, there seems to be progress on the integration of Roma, but the paper claims it is “complicated”. Activists are going to court against the expulsions of Roma EU citizen following the camp closures. Near Paris, the commune has finally relented and accepted to provide water to a Roma camp. Finally, In Nantes, Roma are going to court because of an expulsion that did not provide alternate lodgings.

– Démantèlement des camps de Roms, et après ? In: France Inter. 09.08.2018.
– A Lille, l’intégration des Roms progresse mais reste compliquée. In: Les Echos. 06.08.2018.
– Le défenseur des droits saisi sur les reconduites à la frontière des Roms lillois. In: La Voix du Nord. 09.08.2018.
– Antony : les Roms seront approvisionnés en eau. In: Le Parisien. 06.08.2018.
– Nantes L’expulsion d’un camp de Roms en juillet devant le tribunal. In: Presse Océan. 08.08.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Roma Education

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A view on what needs to be done for the education of Roma.

– How to invest and unlock the potential of Roma children. In: EPHA. 08.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Atlas

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In connection with the preparation of the new Atlas of Romani communities, Ábel Ravasz, the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Roma Communities, to be released soon, he said that the atlas should give an up-to-date overview of the status of the Roma minority in the Slovak Republic at the beginning of next year.

– Ravasz: Zistenia nového Atlasu rómskych komunít očakávame v roku 2019. In: Teraz. 04.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Slovenia: New Museum

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The Roma museum of Murska Sobota will given new space in the centre of the city, according to the city’s mayor.

– Murska Sobota: Nov prostor za muzej Romov. In: Prlekija. 08.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Odessa: Illegal Expulsion

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A court in Odessa ruled that the expulsion of 7 Roma families from a village following the murder of an eight-year-old girl and a pogrom in 2007.
It took a while …

– В Одесской обл. суд признал незаконным изгнание ромов из Лощиновки. In: 10.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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The traditional pilgrimage of Rom to Mariazell will take place on August 12th.

– Mariazell: Traditionelle Roma-Wallfahrt. In: Vatican News. 09.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Germany: Duisburg and Roma

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The thing that launched the entire polemic …

– 19.000 Sinti und Roma sind Duisburgs SPD-OB zu viel – „Müllberge, Lärm und Rattenbefall“ sowie vermuteter Kindergeldbetrug. In: Epoch Times. 09.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Germany and Children’s Allowances

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Roma and Sinti organisations sharply criticise the statements of Duisburg’s mayor who launched a press frenzy on Roma cheating the welfare system.
It was racist.

– Sinti und Roma kritisieren Duisburger Oberbürgermeister scharf. In: Spiegel Online. 09.08.2018.
– “Rassistische Stereotype” – Sinti und Roma kritisieren Duisburgs Oberbürgermeister. In Watson. 09.08.2018.–rassistische-stereotype-sinti-und-roma-kritisieren-duisburgs-oberbuergermeister
– Die spaltende K-Frage: Kindergeld-Betrug alarmiert Städte. In: Zeit Online. 10.08.2018.
– Sinti und Roma üben scharfe Kritik an Duisburger Oberbürgermeister. In: Die Welt. 09.08.2018.
– Muss das Kindergeld in Deutschland reformiert werden? In: Detsche Welle. 09.08.2018.
– Zentralrat der Sinti und Roma wehrt sich gegen Betrugsvorwürfe. In: BR24. 09.08.2018.,R0FZBsQ [link-preview url=”–rassistische-stereotype-sinti-und-roma-kritisieren-duisburgs-oberbuergermeister “]

Germany and Children’s Allowances

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Alarming articles in the German press regarding an increased amount of children’s allowances paid by Germany going into third countries. According to the press, some criminals bring Roma children in Germany, house them in a cheap flat so they have an address in Germany, apply for an allowance, and that one goes back to their country of origin.
Of course, one should add, this is a Roma thing ….

– “Kriminelle Energie und Betrug”. Mehr Kindergeld geht ins Ausland. In: NTV DE. 09.08.2018.
– Familienkasse: Kindergeld-Betrug vor allem in NRW. In: RTL. 09.08.2018.
– Rasanter Anstieg beim Kindergeld alarmiert Städte. In: T-Online. 09.08.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Gypsy Food?

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A new food truck is supposed to highlight Roma food in Tucson. Well, first, what is it – as it really depends on the region and group, and second, it is this?

– “Gypsy Caravan” food truck highlights authentic Romani (aka gypsy) food, culture. In: Tucson Foodie. 08.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Italy: Get Off

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An Italian train conductor in a train in Northern Italy gave an announcement asking “Gypsies to get off at the next station” …
This is what you get when you open the Pandora box. Thank you Mr. Salvini.

– Inquiry launched after train announcement tells ‘gypsies’ to ‘get off’. In: The Local (IT). 08.08.2018.
– Italian train conductor tells Roma to get off at next stop. In: CTV News. 08.08.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Slovakia: Helping in a Slum

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An interview of a worker in a poor Roma neighbourhood where she teaches women to sew and start small businesses as a way out of poverty.

– Ako sa dá podnikať v chudobnom slume? Rozhovor so Slovenkou v Keni. In: Aktuality. 06.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

We Don’t Need This …

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The type of articles you don’t need: In the Ukrainian press, a report of a fight between Roma in the Transcarpathian village of Podvinohradov after the “election of a Roma baron”… And then the report of a new “Gypsy camp” will be created in Kyiev, and finally also a report of a shooting at a Roma camp in Greece (we reported on this).
So, all good news about Roma and of course, they are dangerous.

– ЧП на Закарпатье: группа ромов устроила массовую драку, причина впечатляет. In: Politeka. 08.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Ukraine & C14

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The coordinator of the ultra-nationalist group and suspected organiser of the pogroms against Roma, Serguei Mazur is now only required to stay at home at night. In September, he will be able to apply for the end of the restrictive measures against him.
Seems that Ukraine is fairly lenient towards racism …

– Подозреваемому в погроме лагеря ромов Мазуру смягчили меру пресечения. In: 112. 07.08.2018.
– Координатору С14 смягчили меру пресечения за нападение на ромов. In: Komsomolskaya Pravda. 07.08.2018.
– Напад на табір ромів у Києві: координатору С14 Мазуру можуть скасувати арешт у вересні. In: RBK. 07.08.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Journalism Courses

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The State television of Slovakia has launched courses for journalism, and conducted a few specifically for Roma.

– RTVS robí kurzy pre rómskych novinárov, začnú aj s Maďarmi. In: Aktuality. 03.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: It works!

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A report of a project in Rankovce, a small village in Eastern Slovakia. The Roma there have been building their own houses, buying the land from the commune, and to the “astonishment” of the people, they keep their houses in good order.
This project should definitively be extended!

– V Rankovciach svojpomocná výstavba domov pre Rómov funguje. In: Kosice 24. 01.08.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Ukraine: A Report

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A report of the situation and fears of Roma in the wake of the attacks against them in the Ukraine.

– Ukraine’s Roma live in fear amid wave of nationalist attacks. In: ABC News. 06.08.2018.
– Ukraine’s Roma live in fear amid wave of nationalist attacks. In: The Star Tribune. 06.08.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

French Chronicle …

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The French news on Roma this week were dominated with the appeal of a catholic priest, Father Arthur Hervet to the French president Macron to ask for the closure of camps to stop and to respect the rights of the Roma and especially the children. The prefect of the North promptly denounced the “untruths” of Father Arthur’s statements on children even though it is well known that the State doesn’t respect its own laws.
In Western France, the Green party denounced the closure of camps; near Bordeaux, a camp was denied water in the midst of the heat wave; near Grenoble, a young Rom burnt himself badly while trying to set a car on fire; and near Paris, in Ivry, two camps were closed.

– L’appel d’un prêtre à Macron contre les évacuations de Roms: “les enfants ne sont pas respectés”. In: Huffington Post (FR). 31.07.2018.
– VIDEO. Lille: Le père Arthur s’adresse à Macron pour faire cesser les expulsions de Roms. In: 20 Minutes (FR). 31.07.2018.
– Le préfet du Nord dénonce les «contre-vérités» du père Arthur sur les enfants Roms. In: Nord Éclair. 01.08.2018.
– Europe Écologie Les Verts Pays de la Loire dénonce les expulsions et à la violence exercée contre les migrants et les Roms. In: Nantes Info. 04.08.2018.
– En Gironde, un camp de Roms privé d’eau en pleine canicule. In: BFM TV. 05.08.2018.

– Un adolescent gravement brûlé en tentant d’incendier une voiture. In: Le Progrès. 05.08.2018.
– Un adolescent gravement brûlé en incendiant une voiture. In: Le Dauphiné. 05.08.2018.
– Ivry-sur-Seine : deux bidonvilles de Roms évacués. In: Le Parisien. 02.08.2018. [link-preview url=” “]