Monthly Archives: September 2018

Accused and Accusing

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A total of 6 Roma who have claimed being victims of police violence in the Košice region have been indicted themselves and five of them have been already condemned.

– Pojednávanie v kauze zásahu polície v rómskej osade súd odročil. In: Teraz. 24.09.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Book on Ustaša

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The book “1941” by Slavko Goldstein analyses the origins of the nationalism in the Balkans, and shows the atrocities committed by the Ustaša against Jew, Roma, and Serbs during that time.

– Das entscheidende Jahr. In: TAZ. 29.09.2018.!5536502/ [link-preview url=”!5536502/”]

Eva Davidová

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The Czech sociologist and ethnologist Eva Davidová died on Friday 21st of September at the age of 85.
May she rest in peace.

– Czech Republic: Eva Davidová, an ethnographer who loved Romani people, has passed away. In: Romea. 2609.2018.
– DÉCÈS D’EVA DAVIDOVÁ, SOCIOLOGUE ET SPÉCIALISTE DES ROMS. In: Radio Prague. 26.09.2018. [link-preview url=””]

French Chronicle …

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The trend holds. Very fe news on Roma this week in France.
Pictures of a Roma camp near Paris made the headline. They show the houses and the garbage filmed from a drone. In Montreuil, the mayor requisitioned housing for migrants, but not for Roma who have been expulsed a long while back. In the north, locals are asking for the closure of a camp while in the South East, in Grenoble, a camp is likely to be closed.

– Essonne : avec ses images aériennes, il interpelle les autorités sur la situation d’un bidonville. In: Le Parisien. 24.09.2018.
– Essonne : Un campement rom vu du ciel à Bondoufle/Ris-Orangis. In: Le Républicain de l’Essonne. 26.09.2018.
– Essonne. Il dénonce la pollution d’un bidonville grâce à son drone. Ouest France. 25.09.2018.
– Montreuil solidaire, vraiment? In: Médiapart. 27.09.2018.
– Les riverains de la rue du Plaisir demandent le départ des Roms. In: Nord Eclair. 26.09.2018.
– Fontaine : les Roms du terrain Courtade pourraient être expulses. In: Le Dauphiné. 29.09.2018. [link-preview url=” “]


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A typical article from the Daily Mail about beggars. You could think that Oxford street is full of beggars…

– The Oxford Street ‘hugger muggers’: How aggressive ‘Fagin’ gangs are using children as young as THREE to target wealthy victims in the heart of London. In: Daly Mail. 27.09.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia and Work

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Yet another article in the Slovakian press about the need to employ local Roma rather than rely on immigrants from other countries. This article describes some of the reasons behind the large unemployment of Roma in Slovakia.

– Príležitosť pre ľudí z osád. In: Nazory Pravda. 28.09.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Slovenia and Salvini

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The Slovenian Press started reporting on Salvini’s effort to close all Roma camps within five years in Italy.

– Italijanska vlada s strožjo zakonodajo nad mafijce, teroriste in migrante. In: RTV. 24.09.2018.
– Salvini bi do konca mandata zaprl vsa nezakonita romska naselja. In: STA. 24.09.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Slovenia: Efforts

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A community centre will be opened in the largest Roma settlement in Slovenia. Let’s see what this brings.

– Roma village to get community centre. In: STA. 25.09.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Madrid: Closure

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A Roma camp in Madrid was closed this week. But at least contrary to France or Italy, alternative housing is being provided.

– In Madrid, a Roma community prepares for relocation. In: Reuters. 28.09.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Breitbart …

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The webpage Breitbart on Salvini’s announced closure of the Roma camps in Italy. Allegedly “illegal” but run by the police, the municipalities, and NGOs…
In case you doubted this webpage’s views …

– Salvini Promises to Remove All Illegal Roma Squatter Camps in Five Years. In: Breitbart. 27.09.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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A new book investigating the creation of the race concept in the middle ages, with many mentions of Roma.

– The Invention of Race in the European Middle Ages by Geraldine Heng. In: Authorlink. 26.09.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Miloš Zeman …

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Fairly harsh critique of Miloš Zeman, the current Czech president in the Slovak press. In a visit in a small community, Kojetín in the Olomouc region, and upon learning that the locals were afraid about unemployed Roma moving to their town, he chipped in:
“I am definitely not a friend of Communism, but during Communism the Roma had to work. Mostly they worked like dredgers, and when they refused to work, they went to jail”
No comments …

– Zeman navštevuje kraje, aby tam urážal novinárov, mimovládky a Rómov. In: SME. 27.09.2018.
– Zeman o strachu z Rómov: Ľuďom odmietajúcim prácu by nemali byť vyplácané dávky. In: Hlavnne Spravy. 25.09.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Slovenia: Moving …

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The town of Kočevje in Slovenia wants to move Roma to another location as they live in a zone that has been declared a future industrial zone.
Several residents are wary of this and are refusing to move.

– »Industrijska cona ni namenjena peki odojkov« In: Delo. 27.09.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Charity Boards

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A good article on the impact of boards on charities and on minorities. And good work by some foundations such as the Freudenberg Foundation in Germany who has delegated the money and the decisions to a Sinti foundation.

– Charity boards are a throwback to a ‘male, pale and stale’ world. In: Financial Times. 25.09.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Pippi Longstockings

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What have Pippi Longstockings and Roma in common. Nothing, except that a play based on Astrid Lingren’s work now casts Pippi as a Roma girl living in a camp.

– ‘Thug Life’: Swedes Fret as Pippi Longstocking Becomes Homeless Roma in Ghetto. In: Sputnik. 26.09.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Italy and Roma

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The last report of the Association 21 July, shows that in Italy, there are about 26’000 Roma and Sinti living in emergency housing and camps. 43% of Roma and Sinti are Italian citizens. 55% are children who are more likely to pay the price of social isolation, lack of schooling, and poor health care.

– Italia “Paese dei campi”, la vera integrazione è molto lontana. In: Felicita Publica. 25.09.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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The home of the most “Roma palaces”, the Romanian city of Buzescu goes to Asia, and apparently also to the national geographic next month.

– It looks like the quarter Gypsy millionaires. Photo. In: MiceTimes. 24.09.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Italy: Who gives Way?

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A Roma camp ce borders the cemetery. At the expenses of a Roma camp which will have to move (Alternative? None).
Anyhow it doesn’t really matter as Salvini has decided to close all Roma camps.

– Il cimitero s’allarga, i Sinti si stringono. In: Il Giornale di Lecco. 24.09.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Italy: A Crime and a Statement

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Two Roma kid stole a car and ran over a woman before crashing into a police car. This prompted another Salvini outburst against hardened criminals, the criminal culture of camps (run by the state btw – and provided of bribes via the mafia to politicians)…

– Roma teens who hit woman criminals. In: Ansa. 24.09.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Italy: Holocaust

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A monument will be erected in Italy in remembrance of the Roma victims of the Holocaust. It will highlight a poem by Santino Spinelli, a long term Roma activist.

– Musica e parole per il monumento alla memoria dei Rom e Sinti vittime del nazismo. In: Roma Today. [link-preview url=””]