Daily Archives: September 8, 2018

Slovakia’s President

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The Slovak President Andrej Kiska said during a visit in Moldavan ad Bodvou that the number of Roma in Slovakia reaches almost 10% of the population, but a large part of the politicians do not want to admit that they do not address the fundamental problems of this community.
Good for him!

– Hrubá sila podľa Kisku rómsky problém nevyrieši, v Moldave sa stretol s bežkyňou v balerínach. In: Web Noviny. 03.09.2018. https://www.webnoviny.sk/hruba-sila-podla-prezidenta-kisku-romsky-problem-nevyriesi-v-moldave-sa-stretol-s-bezkynou-v-balerinach/
– Neriešia sa zásadné problémy rómskej komunity, vyhlásil Kiska v Moldave. In: Korzar. 03.09.2018. https://kosice.korzar.sme.sk/c/20905762/neriesia-sa-zasadne-problemy-romskej-komunity-vyhlasil-kiska-v-moldave.html

Roma Integration

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Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini wants a wider debate on the report on Roma integration following the publication of a report of activities on this subject in Slovakai for 2017.

– Pellegrini chce širšiu diskusiu k správe o integrácii Rómov, rokovanie odložili. In: SME Domov. 05.09.2018. https://domov.sme.sk/c/20907116/vlada-rokovanie-k-sprave-o-integracii-romov-prerusila-pellegrini-chce-diskusiu.html
– K správe o integrácii Rómov sa vláda vráti o týždeň. In: Dobre Noviny. https://www.dobrenoviny.sk/c/141689/k-sprave-o-integracii-romov-sa-vlada-vrati-o-tyzden

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