Daily Archives: September 18, 2018

Rome – Protests

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In the afternoon of September 13, Roma families of the Camping River camp decided to return to their homes in Via Tenuta Piccirilli 207, on the Tiberina, in the North of Rome. They were protesting against the illegitimate eviction ordered by Matteo Salvini and Virginia Raggi on July 26, 2018: “we want to guarantee a school and a home for all our children: we cannot live on the streets”.
It is a shame …

– Rom Camping River denunciano Salvini e Raggi. In: Agora Vox. 16.09.2018. https://www.agoravox.it/Rom-Camping-River-denunciano.html [link-preview url=”https://www.agoravox.it/Rom-Camping-River-denunciano.html”]

Festival in Darmstadt

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Roma are a part of Europe – since many centuries. A festival in Darmstadt highlighted this.

– Gegen Vorurteile. In: Frankfurter Rundschau. 17.09.2018. http://www.fr.de/rhein-main/alle-gemeinden/darmstadt/darmstadt-gegen-vorurteile-a-1584025
– Podiumsdiskussion beim Sinti und Roma Kultur- und Musikfestival. In: Echo Online. 17.09.2018. https://www.echo-online.de/lokales/darmstadt/podiumsdiskussion-beim-sinti-und-roma-kultur-und-musikfestival_19066043# [link-preview url=”https://www.echo-online.de/lokales/darmstadt/podiumsdiskussion-beim-sinti-und-roma-kultur-und-musikfestival_19066043#”]

Festival in Darmstadt

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Roma are a part of Europe – since many centuries. A festival in Darmstadt highlighted this.

– Gegen Vorurteile. In: Frankfurter Rundschau. 17.09.2018. http://www.fr.de/rhein-main/alle-gemeinden/darmstadt/darmstadt-gegen-vorurteile-a-1584025
– Podiumsdiskussion beim Sinti und Roma Kultur- und Musikfestival. In: Echo Online. 17.09.2018. https://www.echo-online.de/lokales/darmstadt/podiumsdiskussion-beim-sinti-und-roma-kultur-und-musikfestival_19066043# [link-preview url=”https://www.echo-online.de/lokales/darmstadt/podiumsdiskussion-beim-sinti-und-roma-kultur-und-musikfestival_19066043#”]

Perpignan and Cale

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The old part of town in Perpignan where Roma lived for centuries is being gentrified. To the expense of its resident Gitanos.
Bad …

– Stigmatisation, gentrification : Les gitans de Perpignan laissés pour compte. In: La Révolution Permanente. 14.09.2018. http://www.revolutionpermanente.fr/Stigmatisation-gentrification-Les-gitans-de-Perpignan-laisses-pour-compte [link-preview url=”http://www.revolutionpermanente.fr/Stigmatisation-gentrification-Les-gitans-de-Perpignan-laisses-pour-compte”]

Perpignan and Cale

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The old part of town in Perpignan where Roma lived for centuries is being gentrified. To the expense of its resident Gitanos.
Bad …

– Stigmatisation, gentrification : Les gitans de Perpignan laissés pour compte. In: La Révolution Permanente. 14.09.2018. http://www.revolutionpermanente.fr/Stigmatisation-gentrification-Les-gitans-de-Perpignan-laisses-pour-compte [link-preview url=”http://www.revolutionpermanente.fr/Stigmatisation-gentrification-Les-gitans-de-Perpignan-laisses-pour-compte”]
