Daily Archives: September 23, 2018

Vote !

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An appeal to vote in the Czech Republic.

– Lucie Fuková: There’s no excuse for not voting. In: Romea. 23.09.2018. http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/lucie-fukova-there-s-no-excuse-for-not-voting [link-preview url=”http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/lucie-fukova-there-s-no-excuse-for-not-voting”]

Czech Republic …

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Quite amazing when the French press, especially one close to the right, publishes an article about torture and racism in the Czech Republic.
If anyone has articles about it in the Czech press, please forward!

– En République tchèque, deux policiers accusés d’avoir torturé un homme d’origine rom. In: Paris Match. 17.09.2018. https://www.parismatch.com/Actu/International/En-Republique-tcheque-deux-policiers-accuses-d-avoir-torture-un-homme-d-origine-rom-1574893 [link-preview url=”https://www.parismatch.com/Actu/International/En-Republique-tcheque-deux-policiers-accuses-d-avoir-torture-un-homme-d-origine-rom-1574893″]

French Chronicle …

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Another slow week – actually this is the best news that one can hope. If the trend continues, we will have to discontinue the French chronicle, started at the height of the Valls era. We will keep an eye to see whether this is a real trend or just a lull before the storm.
So what has made the news this week, well, little: In the Lille region in Northern France, the dismantled camps have been re-erected. Real success of the policies … Further news. Four families expulsed from a building belonging to the rail company.
And cherry on the cake, the French are less racist than others. Well …….. In relation.

– Après les démantèlements de l’été, les Roms de la métropole lilloise ont reconstruit les bidonvilles. In: France Bleu. 18.09.2018. https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/societe/apres-les-demantelements-de-l-ete-les-roms-de-la-metropole-lilloise-ont-reconstruit-les-bidonvilles-1537279027
– Champagne-sur-Seine : quatre familles roms évacuées. In: Le Parisien. 18.09.2018. http://www.leparisien.fr/seine-et-marne-77/champagne-sur-seine-quatre-familles-roms-evacuees-18-09-2018-7893717.php
– Seine-et-Marne. Une vingtaine de Roms expulsés d’une propriété de la SNCF à Champagne-sur-Seine. In: Actu.fr. 18.09.2018. https://actu.fr/ile-de-france/champagne-sur-seine_77079/seine-marne-une-vingtaine-roms-expulses-dune-propriete-sncf-champagne-sur-seine_18656303.html
– Discours de haine et homophobie sur internet en Europe : la France, pas si mauvaise élève. In: Tétu. 21.08.2018. https://tetu.com/2018/09/21/discrous-haine-homophobie-internet-europe-la-france-pas-si-mauvaise-eleve/ [link-preview url=”https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/societe/apres-les-demantelements-de-l-ete-les-roms-de-la-metropole-lilloise-ont-reconstruit-les-bidonvilles-1537279027 “]
