Daily Archives: September 30, 2018

Accused and Accusing

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A total of 6 Roma who have claimed being victims of police violence in the Košice region have been indicted themselves and five of them have been already condemned.

– Pojednávanie v kauze zásahu polície v rómskej osade súd odročil. In: Teraz. 24.09.2018. https://www.teraz.sk/regiony/sudy-os-kosice-i-pojednavanie-v-kauze/350513-clanok.html [link-preview url=”https://www.teraz.sk/regiony/sudy-os-kosice-i-pojednavanie-v-kauze/350513-clanok.html”]

Book on Ustaša

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The book “1941” by Slavko Goldstein analyses the origins of the nationalism in the Balkans, and shows the atrocities committed by the Ustaša against Jew, Roma, and Serbs during that time.

– Das entscheidende Jahr. In: TAZ. 29.09.2018. http://www.taz.de/!5536502/ [link-preview url=”http://www.taz.de/!5536502/”]

Eva Davidová

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The Czech sociologist and ethnologist Eva Davidová died on Friday 21st of September at the age of 85.
May she rest in peace.

– Czech Republic: Eva Davidová, an ethnographer who loved Romani people, has passed away. In: Romea. 2609.2018. http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/czech-republic-eva-davidova-an-ethnographer-who-loved-romani-people-has-passed-away
– DÉCÈS D’EVA DAVIDOVÁ, SOCIOLOGUE ET SPÉCIALISTE DES ROMS. In: Radio Prague. 26.09.2018. https://www.radio.cz/fr/rubrique/infos/deces-deva-davidova-sociologue-et-specialiste-des-roms [link-preview url=”https://www.radio.cz/fr/rubrique/infos/deces-deva-davidova-sociologue-et-specialiste-des-roms”]

French Chronicle …

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The trend holds. Very fe news on Roma this week in France.
Pictures of a Roma camp near Paris made the headline. They show the houses and the garbage filmed from a drone. In Montreuil, the mayor requisitioned housing for migrants, but not for Roma who have been expulsed a long while back. In the north, locals are asking for the closure of a camp while in the South East, in Grenoble, a camp is likely to be closed.

– Essonne : avec ses images aériennes, il interpelle les autorités sur la situation d’un bidonville. In: Le Parisien. 24.09.2018. http://www.leparisien.fr/essonne-91/essonne-avec-ses-images-aeriennes-il-interpelle-les-autorites-sur-la-situation-d-un-bidonville-24-09-2018-7901208.php
– Essonne : Un campement rom vu du ciel à Bondoufle/Ris-Orangis. In: Le Républicain de l’Essonne. 26.09.2018. https://www.le-republicain.fr/actualites-locales/grand-paris-sud/essonne-un-campement-rom-vu-du-ciel-a-bondoufle-ris-orangis
– Essonne. Il dénonce la pollution d’un bidonville grâce à son drone. Ouest France. 25.09.2018. https://www.ouest-france.fr/ile-de-france/essonne/essonne-il-denonce-la-pollution-d-un-bidonville-grace-son-drone-5985018
– Montreuil solidaire, vraiment? In: Médiapart. 27.09.2018. https://blogs.mediapart.fr/juliette-keating/blog/270918/montreuil-solidaire-vraiment
– Les riverains de la rue du Plaisir demandent le départ des Roms. In: Nord Eclair. 26.09.2018. http://www.nordeclair.fr/191608/article/2018-09-26/les-riverains-de-la-rue-du-plaisir-demandent-le-depart-des-roms
– Fontaine : les Roms du terrain Courtade pourraient être expulses. In: Le Dauphiné. 29.09.2018. https://www.ledauphine.com/isere-sud/2018/09/29/fontaine-les-roms-du-terrain-courtade-pourraient-etre-expulses [link-preview url=”https://www.le-republicain.fr/actualites-locales/grand-paris-sud/essonne-un-campement-rom-vu-du-ciel-a-bondoufle-ris-orangis “]
