Monthly Archives: September 2018


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An interview of the president of one of the Swiss Sinti organisation in the context of the recognition of the Sinti (but not the Roma – Really!) in Switzerland.

– Die unbekannteste Minderheit: Sinti in der Schweiz. In: SRF Tagesgespräch. 06.09.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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To the point: In German, one should not use the concept of “Ausländerfeindlichkeit” – which can be translated by Xenophobia – but connotes more the hate of foreigners, but rather state that this is outright racism as there are very few chances if any that a blond Dane or Swede be confronted to it.
If you are Rom, black, or non Northern European, then things get more difficult.

– Wie Worte die Realität verfälschen. In: Spiegel Online. 06.09.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Canada & Holocaust

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There is an increased drive for Canada to officially recognise the Roma Holocaust. Prime Minister Trudeau already did so personally, but the official recognition will go through the parliament.

– Roma community campaigns for feds’ official recognition of genocide during Holocaust. In: The Hill Times. 05.09.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Brexit: What Happens Next?

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What happens to Roma who migrated to the UK for other European countries after Brexit? Most Roma in the UK are anxious about it.

– Roma rights in UK after Brexit. In: European Interest. 31.09.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Sweden and Racism

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In the middle of the election campaign where the extreme nationalist right is making deep inroads, a Rom is killed, and no one speaks about it.
The truth about the increase racism and attacks against Roma in the country.

– Wenn Kinder einen Roma töten und keiner hinsieht. In: Frankfurter Rundschau. 04.09.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

EU Parliament

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An interview of Romano Franz, the first Sinto in the European Parliament.

– Erster Sinto im Europäischen Parlament. In: SWR2. 01.09.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Roma Palaces …

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An article about the “Roma Palaces” in Romania. Many of these belong to Kalderaša. This time in Hunedoara.

– Topul celor mai bizare palate ale romilor din România: clădirile în care s-au investit milioane de euro. In: Adevarul. 04.09.2018. [link-preview url=””]

82 Million

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Slovakia spent 82 million euros on Roma integration last year. It is a not a small amount, but it did not have a big effect either.

– Na integráciu Rómov sa vlani čerpalo viac ako 82 miliónov. In: SME. 03.09.2018. [link-preview url=””]

25% of Roma

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New demographic statistics in Romania seem to indicate that 25% of the workforce will be Roma by 2050…

– Romii ar putea reprezenta 25% din forța de muncă din România, până în 2050, arată un raport al Ambasadei SUA. In: B1. 29.08.2018.
– Populaţia României, în continuă scădere: 220.000 de persoane au emigrat în 2017. In: B1. [link-preview url=” “]

Roma and Sinti Integration

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The school authorities in Rome are looking for partners NGO to outsource the integration of Roma and Sinti children in the school system. All this, as a part of the national project for the integration of RSC (Rom-Sinti-Caminanti) children.

– Roma. Bambini Rom-Sinti-Caminanti: inserimento scolastico. In: La Prima Pagina. 02.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Italy and the Train Conductor

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The Italian train conductor who ranted in the train asking for “Gypsies to get off the train” is returning to work.
She says it was wrong to say it, and she did not know the microphone was on …… That is the thing she probably regrets.

– Capotreno, torna a lavorare la donna che si era sfogata contro gli zingari. In: Libeor Quotidiano. 30.08.2018.
– Trenord, dipendente accusata di razzismo torna in servizio. In: TG24 Sky. 30.08.2018.
– Annuncio contro zingari, la capotreno torna al lavoro „”Zingari, avete rotto i c…”: torna al lavoro la capotreno dell’annuncio razzista“. In: Milano Today. 31.08.2018.
– E’ tornata a lavorare la capotreno che si era sfogata contro gli zingari. Salvini la elogia. In: Notizia Tiscali. 31.08.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Hungary and Education

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Ricsi and Tibi, two Hungarian Roma who studied in Miskolc in Eastern Hungary nearly have 20’000 followers on Youtube. They are making fun of stereotypes and daily discriminations Roma are confronted to. But they also want Roma to go to university and are engaged in helping them achieve it.

– « Nous aimerions que, pour les Roms, la possibilité de réussir devienne une évidence » In: Le Courrier d’Europe Centrale. 26.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

French Chronicle …

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The most notable news on Roma ths week in France is that there isn’t any … In several years of weekly French chronicles, this is the lowest number of news we have seen.

There are two articles about Aix-en-Provence, one positive, about education of Roma, and one negative, about an expulsion.

– Aix-en-Provence stimule la scolarisation des enfants roms. In: La Gazette Santé Social. 29.08.2018.
– Aix-en-Provence : Expulsion d’une quinzaine de familles roms. In: Mille Sabords. 27.08.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Rosa Bouglione

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The queen of the circus, Rosa Bouglione, died this week at the age on 107.
May she rest in peace.

– Obituary: Rosa Bouglione, the undisputed queen of the circus. In: BBC News. 02.09.2018.
– Rosa Bouglione est morte à l’âge de 107 ans. In: Euronews.
– La Seine-et-Marne, terre des Bouglione et des familles du cirque. In: Le Parisien. 28.08.2018.
– ‘Queen of the circus’ Rosa Bouglione dies at 107. In: France 24. 27.08.2018.
– Rosa Bouglione funeral: Mourners gather at circus. In: BBC News. 02.08.2018.
– Circuslegende Rosal Bouglione overladen. In: HLN. 27.08.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Roma Employment

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The Prime Minister wants to negotiate with the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Government for Roma Communities on how to improve their employability in the labour market.
The situation in companies is critical because they have a problem with labour shortages. According to the Prime Minister, it will be necessary to find some incentive system for companies who employ Roma and keep them working for more than 12 months.

– Pellegrini odmieta tvrdenia o koaličnom spore pre dôchodkové stropy. In: Aktuality. 28.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Clean Water

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A sad tale of the sole source of water – a well – in a Roma shantytown which was polluted, essentially because some of the “dry toilets”, i.e. a hole in the ground got flushed by heavy rains.
An all too common story in Slovakia.

– Pitnú vodu pre Rómov v Nováčanoch má zabezpečiť automat na čipové karty. In: Hlavne Spravy. 30.08.2018. [link-preview url=”″]


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The story of a Slovak Roma who was also a US paratrooper and a member of the Intelligence Service and member of the Slovak underground who fought against the Germans.

– Slovenský Róm bojoval v SNP ako americký výsadkár. In: Aktuality. 29.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]