Monthly Archives: October 2018


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The museum of Roma Culture announces photography competition inspired by the work of Romani photographer Andrej Pešta.

– Czech Republic: Museum of Romani Culture announces photography competition. In: Romea. 31.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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The story of a young Slovak Rom who was sent to a special school in Slovakia, a graveyard for education, and, when he moved to England, ended up in the university.
In brief, a prod that with equal chances, one gets equal results…

– Na Slovensku ho poslali do špeciálnej školy, v Británii študuje na univerzite. Jeho britskí učitelia ukazujú, ako učiť Rómov. In:Dennik. 26.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Poland: Segregation

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Residents of Zabrze, a town near Katowice have erected a wall to separate themselves from their Roma neighbours …
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– Zabrze: Mieszkańcy postawili mur i odgradzają się od Romów ZDJĘCIA Romscy sąsiedzi są rozgoryczeni na lokatorów z Sienkiewicza. In: Dziennik Nachodni. 27.10.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Balkan and Minorities

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According to Ambassador Bernd Borchardt, Head of OSCE Presence in Albania, society is judged by the way it treats its weakest members. And that is often, in the Balkan, the Roma minority.
There is some way to go – even to achieve the state that was under Ottoman rule.

– OP-ED/ Society is judged by the way it treats its weakest members. In: Independent Balkan News Agency. 29.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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Following the derogatory remarks by the EU parliament president Tajani, the Alliance against Antigypsyism is asking him for a clear position against antigypsyism. He had stated that the minimal income that the new government wants to introduce in Italy would land in the pockets of Roma.
Among the prominent signatories: Romani Rose of the German Council of Sinti and Roma.

– Alliance against Antigypsyism demands clear commitment of EP President Tajani against antigypsyism. In: European Interest. 29.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Slovenia: More to Do

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The Council of Europe chided Slovenia in its report on the framework convention on the protection of national minorities and asked the country to do more against hate speech.

– CoE: Slovenia urged to secure more Roma rights, fight hate speech. In: STA. 29.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Northern Ireland – Tensions

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This is not pretty, in parallel with an increase of Roma settling in Ballymea, Northern Ireland, there is an increase of racism and animosity against Roma.

– Ballymena tensions over rise in Roma community. In: BBC. 26.10.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Some Good Ones …

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In contrast with the president of the Czech Republic, Pavel Rychetský,
the president of its constitutional court deems ethnic and nationalistic self centeredness and xenophobia as a threat to Europe!

– Czech Constitutional Court president: Ethnic and national self-centeredness and xenophobia are a threat to Europe. In: Romea. 28.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Roma Pride

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The Roma pride was held in Prague on Sunday, 28th of October.

– LIVE BROADCAST AT 14:15 TODAY – Roma Pride 2018. In: Romea. 28.10.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Kiev: Confusion …

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The Ukrainian Ombudsman demands an investigation of the eviction of Roma from the Kiev railway station by the ultra nationalist C14 organisation while the municipal guards claim it did not happen …
Difficult to know what is going on.

– Омбудсменка вимагає розслідувати можливий напад С14 на ромів на київському вокзалі. In: Hmarochos.
– «Муніципальна варта» заявляє, що ромів на вокзалі в Києві не розганяли. In: Hromadske. 26.10.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Forbidding Begging

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Geneva forbade begging 10 years ago. The result is bad: None of the fines cashed in, much more expenses, and there are still beggars.
It shows that the money would be better used in helping those people.

– Milliers d’amendes et taux d’encaissement de 0%. In: 20 Minutes (CH). 27.10.2018.
– En diz ans, la loi antimendicité n’a rien rapport à Genève. In; 24 Heures. [link-preview url=” “]

Churches and Roma

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An essay on the role of churches on the Roma Holocaust.

– Sinti und Roma – Die Schuld der Kirchen. In: Ha Galil. 14.09.2018. [link-preview url=””]

French Chronicle …

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More news this week in France on Roma. First, a fire in a Roma camp near Paris. The camp had already made the headline as it was filmed with a drone, showing the piles of garbage accumulated there. In Bondy, also near Paris, a Roma camp blocks a construction site. In Meulin, 50 Roma were evacuated from their squat in a former hospital. Also near Paris, in Bonneuil, another camp was evacuated. In Nantes, in Western France, a camp was closed, leaving 150 Roma in the street. In Strasbourg, new families occupied the site of a camp that was closed two months ago. In the North, a camp will not be evacuated prior to the winter respite. Also in the North, an insertion village is still not ready. In Eastern France near Geneva, a new squat of Roma angers local officials. Finally, more about the abuse of social benefits by Roma in the North of France.

– Essonne. Un camp de Roms ravagé par un incendie. In: 24.10.2018.
– Bondoufle-Ris : Un incendie s’est déclaré dans le campement de Roms de l’hippodrome. In: Le Républicain de l’Essonne. 23.10.2018.
– Circulation très perturbée sur la Francilienne au niveau de Ris-Orangis à cause d’un incendie dans un camp de Roms. In: France Bleu. 23.10.2018.
– Incendie à proximité du bidonville de l’ex-hippodrome de Ris-Orangis. In: Essonne Info. 26.10.2018.
– Bondy : Le chantier retardé par un camp de Roms, la mairie aide les occupants. In: Le Parisien. 25.10.2018.
– Melun : cinquante Roms évacués de l’hôpital Marc-Jacquet. In: Le Parisien. 24.10.2018.
– Bonneuil : le bidonville rom évacué dans le calme. In: Le Parisien. 26.10.2018.
– Nantes. Après l’expulsion du camp de Roms, la confusion règne. In: Ouest France. 24.10.2018.
– Nantes Île de Nantes : plus de 150 Roms évacués par les forces de l’ordre. In: Ouest France. 23.10.2018.
– Des familles roms dorment à nouveau dehors au Neuhof. In: Rue 89 – Strasbourg. 25.10.2018.
– Pourquoi le camp de roms pourrait s’installer pour l’hiver au Sartel. In: Nord Éclair. 23.10.2018.
– Les trois familles Roms n’intégreront pas le « sas » pendant les vacances. In: La Voix du Nord. 26.10.2018.
– Squat d’un moulin par des Roms : le coup de gueule des élus. In: Le Dauphiné. 25.10.2018.
– Un Rom soupçonné d’agressions sexuelles sur mineurs impliqué dans une fraude à la CAF. In: Sputnik News. 22.10.2018.
– Fraude : 1,7 million d’euros d’allocations sociales détournées vers la Roumanie. In: Le Figaro. 22.10.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Integrated …

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An article that highlights the situation of integrated Roma. Basically, for most politicians (and most of the population), they don’t exist, make less that one percent of the Roma population. And they cannot say they are, because they are then confronted to the stereotypes.

– „Kto nesmrdí, nie je cigán!“ alebo 6 krokov k rómskemu vlastenectvu. In: Dennik. 26.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

You Could Think That …

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By looking at the pictures, you could think the article is about Roma. It isn’t. It is about the housing situation of poor people in Budapest and them being driven out to the suburbs and to very precarious situation.
Not good.

– Gazdag telkesek között bújnak meg a lakhatási válság áldozatai. In: Abcug. 25.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Media and Roma

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Another article about the anty-Gypsyism in the media. All too true, unfortunately.

– ANTIZIGANISMUS IN DEN MEDIEN – ROMAFEINDLICHKEIT IST WEITERHIN EIN PROBLEM. In; Belltower. 26.10.2018.–-romafeindlichkeit-ist-weiterhin-ein-problem-14405 [link-preview url=”–-romafeindlichkeit-ist-weiterhin-ein-problem-14405″]

Salvini Again …

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This time he is fuming against the EU Commissioner Vera Jurova on her comments about hate speech in Italy against Roma. And what does he say:
“Why doesn’t the lady come and visit a Roma camp in Rome or Milan and see the weapons, the illegality, the exploited children and the stolen goods?”
Thanks for the generalisation …

– Matteo Salvini: Commissioner’s Roma remarks are ‘nonsense again from Brussels’. In: Politico. 26.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Roma Pride!

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The next Roma Pride will take place this coming Sunday in Prague!

– Roma Pride march on 100th anniversary of the founding of Czechoslovakia will object to President’s antigypsyism. In: Romea. 24.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

We Don’t Need That

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No comments, but really, this doesn’t help. And the press is very consciously indicating the origins of the thief…

– Diebin (27) stahl Luxus-Uhren vom Handgelenk. In: 20 Minuten (CH). 23.10.2018.–27–klaute-Luxus-Uhren-vom-Handgelenk-23089111 [link-preview url=”–27–klaute-Luxus-Uhren-vom-Handgelenk-23089111″]

The President???????

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The Italian President of the European Parliament today showed he doesn’t deserve his job. On an interview with the RAI, he stated that the planned Italian citizen income was not well thought of as it would end in the pockets of Roma!!!

– Rights group slams Parliament President Tajani over Roma comments. In: Politico. 25.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]