Daily Archives: October 19, 2018

We need you!

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Our page was reviewed and given a “1” in what we deem to be a racist review.
Was reported to Facebook – but to no avail. We banned the user as he had made other nasty comments.

So if you like the page, please review it!

Your Contact Point Team [link-preview url=””]


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Vladislav Ledecký, the Mayor of Spišský Hrhov, a village in Eastern Slovakia; Peter Pellegrini, the Slovak Prime Minister; and Thorbjorn Jagland, the Secretary General of the Council of Europe visited the village Spišské Hrhove, a village known for its successful Roma integration project.
Let’s hope that this PR event brings more than just a photo opportunity.

– Generálny tajomník Rady Európy navštívil Rómov v Spišskom Hrhove. In: Korzar. 16.10.2018. https://spis.korzar.sme.sk/c/20939068/generalny-tajomnik-rady-europy-navstivil-romov-v-spisskom-hrhove.html [link-preview url=”https://spis.korzar.sme.sk/c/20939068/generalny-tajomnik-rady-europy-navstivil-romov-v-spisskom-hrhove.html”]

Okamura and Holocaust

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Okamura, the chairman of an extreme right party in the Czech republic together with his party colleague Miloslav Rozner have been exonerated by Blanka Valsamis, the Public Prosecutor (District Attorney) of Prague 4th District Office of any crime pertaining to their statements on Holocaust and the Lety concentration camps – they had denied it was a concentration camp saying people were free to move in and out as it was not fenced.

– Okamurove výroky o koncentráku nie sú trestným činom. In: SME. 16.10.2018. https://svet.sme.sk/c/20938680/cesko-romovia-okamura-nacisti-koncentracny-tabor.html [link-preview url=”https://svet.sme.sk/c/20938680/cesko-romovia-okamura-nacisti-koncentracny-tabor.html”]

About the Story of a Rom

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The testimony of a Rom published in die Zeit has a follow up: In the corresponding Tagesspiegel article, one learns that the case against the arsonists who set the refugee home on fire, a fire that killed the Rom’s daughter was mishandled by the police and closed as it was not registered as manslaughter.

– Brennender Hass. In: Tageszeitung. 18.10.2018. https://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/gewalt-gegen-roma-brennender-hass/23202388.html [link-preview url=”https://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/gewalt-gegen-roma-brennender-hass/23202388.html”]
