Daily Archives: November 5, 2018

Special Schools

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Another article about a young Rom from Slovakia who was sent to a “special” school there – schools that lead to nothing, and who emigrated to the UK and is now in university.
Equal chances does help!

– Brit učí deti zo Slovenska inak, chlapca zo špeciálnej školy dostal na univerzitu. In: Aktuality. 03.11.2018. https://www.aktuality.sk/clanok/635380/brit-uci-deti-zo-slovenska-inak-chlapca-zo-specialnej-skoly-dostal-na-univerzitu/ [link-preview url=”https://www.aktuality.sk/clanok/635380/brit-uci-deti-zo-slovenska-inak-chlapca-zo-specialnej-skoly-dostal-na-univerzitu/”]

Life in France

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A testimony of a Romanian Roma couple who lived in France for the last 15 years.

– HEUREUSE COMME UNE ROM EN FRANCE. In: Amnesty International. 03.11.2018. https://www.amnesty.fr/discriminations/actualites/8-avenue-lenine [link-preview url=”https://www.amnesty.fr/discriminations/actualites/8-avenue-lenine”]

Roma in Bulgaria

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Two articles on the situation of Roma in Bulgaria. They somewhat miss the point – Integration was quite extensive in Bulgaria, the situation deteriorated after the fall of communism and with the rise of nationalism…

– LES ROMS DE BULGARIE : DES CITOYENS EUROPÉENS QUI VIVENT DANS DES GHETTOS. In: Taurillion. 29.10.2018. https://www.taurillon.org/les-roms-de-bulgarie-des-citoyens-europeens-qui-vivent-dans-des-ghettos
– L’INTÉGRATION DES ROMS DE BULGARIE EN 15 ANS : « C’EST POSSIBLE » ! In: Taurillion. 30.10.2018. https://www.taurillon.org/l-integration-des-roms-de-bulgarie-en-15-ans-c-est-possible [link-preview url=”https://www.taurillon.org/les-roms-de-bulgarie-des-citoyens-europeens-qui-vivent-dans-des-ghettos “]
