Daily Archives: November 13, 2018

Gypsies in Space

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Really? A movie comedy “Lajkó – Gypsy in space” won the audience prize at the 18th Science + Fiction festival in Trieste.
Not sure what to make of this…

– Nemzetközi sikert ért el az űrbe kilőtt cigány története. In: 24.hu. 06.11.2018. https://24.hu/kultura/2018/11/06/nemzetkozi-sikert-ert-el-az-urbe-kilott-cigany-tortenete/ [link-preview url=”https://24.hu/kultura/2018/11/06/nemzetkozi-sikert-ert-el-az-urbe-kilott-cigany-tortenete/”]

Poland: Attack

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An arson attack happened in Zabrze in Poland which saw several cars belonging to Roma torched.
Welcome to the new Poland …

– Zabrze: Samochody Romów obrzucone koktajlami Mołotowa. Policja wciąż szuka sprawców. In: Dziennik. 08.11.2018. https://dziennikzachodni.pl/zabrze-samochody-romow-obrzucone-koktajlami-molotowa-policja-wciaz-szuka-sprawcow/ar/13650483 [link-preview url=”https://dziennikzachodni.pl/zabrze-samochody-romow-obrzucone-koktajlami-molotowa-policja-wciaz-szuka-sprawcow/ar/13650483″]

Italy: Indivisible

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A manifestation and a movement against racism gathered more than 400 associations, movements, trade unions, municipalities, political parties etc. against racism in in Italy.
Well done, and a good “contrapunto” to the current government…

– #INDIVISIBILI: Rom, Sinti, migranti, Lucano, Riace… Un fronte unito contro il razzismo. In: Agora Vox. 12.11.2018. http://www.agoravox.it/INDIVISIBILI-Rom-Sinti-migranti.html
– #Indivisibili – La proposta del Consiglio Nazionale Rom Sinti Caminanti alla manifestazione antirazzista del 10 novembre. In: Agora Vox. 09.11.2018. https://www.agoravox.it/Indivisibili-La-proposta-del.html [link-preview url=”https://www.agoravox.it/Indivisibili-La-proposta-del.html”]
