Daily Archives: November 30, 2018

Polish Ghettoes

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The case of a death in a Roma ghetto in Maszkowice in South Eastern Poland prompts a discussion on living conditions.

– Śmierć przyszła do Romów w Maszkowicach, bo nikt do nich nie przychodził? In: Sadeczanin. 28.11.2018. https://sadeczanin.info/telewizja-rozmowy-sadeczanina/smierc-przyszla-do-romow-w-maszkowicach-bo-nikt-do-nich-nie [link-preview url=”https://sadeczanin.info/telewizja-rozmowy-sadeczanina/smierc-przyszla-do-romow-w-maszkowicach-bo-nikt-do-nich-nie”]

Gypsy Tales

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A new book of Gypsy tales which has nothing to do with Gypsies nor with anything remotely close to them… Interview with the Author.

– Cigány újmesék egy kincsesbarlang mélyéből. In: Nepszava. 29.11.2018. https://nepszava.hu/3016724_cigany-ujmesek-egy-kincsesbarlang-melyebol [link-preview url=”https://nepszava.hu/3016724_cigany-ujmesek-egy-kincsesbarlang-melyebol”]

Budapest Tours …

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Another article about the tours organised by Roma of the 8th district of the city.
Good project!

– Cigány önkéntesekkel sétáltunk a nyolcker legveszélyesebb negyedében. In: Zoom. 25.11.2018. https://zoom.hu/hir/2018/11/25/cigany-onkentesekkel-setaltunk-a-nyolcker-legveszelyesebb-negyedeben/ [link-preview url=”https://zoom.hu/hir/2018/11/25/cigany-onkentesekkel-setaltunk-a-nyolcker-legveszelyesebb-negyedeben/”]


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A healthy debate in Spain about the portrayal of Roma in movies has been prompted by the two films that were directed by non-Roma.

– Two films prompt a debate about portrayals of Spain’s Roma on screen. In: The Economist. 29.11.2018. https://www.economist.com/prospero/2018/11/29/two-films-prompt-a-debate-about-portrayals-of-spains-roma-on-screen [link-preview url=”https://www.economist.com/prospero/2018/11/29/two-films-prompt-a-debate-about-portrayals-of-spains-roma-on-screen”]
