Daily Archives: December 1, 2018

Croatian Roma

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An article about the Roma from Croatia emigrating. Well, not surprising if one knows the racism against Roma in that country. To be noted, The Croatian Ustaša exterminated nearly all Roma in the country during World War Two, the ones living there currently being descendants of Roma from other parts of Yugoslavia who migrated there after the war.

– Croatia’s Roma Join Mass Emigration. In: Total Croatia News. 29.11.2018. https://www.total-croatia-news.com/news/32702-croatia-roma-emigration

Basle: A new Site for Travellers

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After many years, the city of Basle in Switzerland finally opened a camping site for travellers in the city.
It took time!

– Nach langem Hin und Her: Basel-Stadt weiht ersten fixen Standplatz für Fahrende ein. In: BZ Basel. 29.11.2018. https://www.bzbasel.ch/basel/basel-stadt/nach-langem-hin-und-her-basel-stadt-weiht-ersten-fixen-standplatz-fuer-fahrende-ein-133782286
– Platz für Fahrende. In: Basler Zeitung. 30.11.2018. https://bazonline.ch/basel/stadt/platz-fuer-fahrende/story/21578188
– Erster Fahrendenplatz in Basel-Stadt eröffnet. In: Smopo. 29.11.2018. http://smopo.ch/erster-fahrendenplatz-in-basel-stadt-eroeffnet/

Kiev: Roma Squat Burning

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A fire in a house squatted by Roma in Kiev prompted a flurry of articles, some with the usual mention of thefts and the like…

– У Києві горів будинок ромів (ФОТО). In: One News. 25.11.2018. https://1news.com.ua/ipol/u-kiyevi-goriv-budinok-romiv-foto.html
– В столице дотла сгорел дом ромов (ФОТО). In: Depo. 25.11.2018. https://www.depo.ua/rus/life/u-stolici-vschent-vigoriv-budinok-romiv-foto-20181125875389
– У столиці вщент вигорів будинок ромів (ФОТО). In: Depo. 25.11.2018. https://www.depo.ua/ukr/life/u-stolici-vschent-vigoriv-budinok-romiv-foto-20181125875389

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