Daily Archives: December 11, 2018

Slovakia and Holocaust

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The Slovak president, Andrei Kiska, remembered the Roma victims of the Holocaust in Zvolen, and stated that the Roma Holocaust is part of the Slovak History.

– Kiska si vo Zvolene pripomenul rómske obete holokaustu. In: MY Zvolen. 10.12.2018. https://myzvolen.sme.sk/c/22005103/kiska-si-dnes-vo-zvolene-pripomenul-romske-obete-holokaustu.html
– Kiska na židovskom cintoríne vo Zvolene: Na začiatku každej ľudskej nenávisti je slovo. In: Zvolen 24. 10.12.2018. https://zvolen.dnes24.sk/kiska-na-zidovskom-cintorine-vo-zvolene-na-zaciatku-kazdej-ludskej-nenavisti-je-slovo-317275

Against their Will

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The tales of Roma mothers in Slovak hospitals.

– Slovak hospitals hold new Roma mothers against their will. In: The Washington Post. 10.12.2018. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/roma-mothers-held-in-slovak-hospitals-against-their-will/2018/12/10/944813cc-fc52-11e8-a17e-162b712e8fc2_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.aae50c53a7ac
– Roma Mothers Held In Slovak Hospitals Against Their Will. In: Kurv. 10.12.2018. http://www.kurv.com/roma-mothers-held-in-slovak-hospitals-against-their-will/

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