Daily Archives: December 27, 2018

Slovenia – No Comments

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The Slovenian state wants to bury the Roma killed during World War Two in the central Ljubljana cemetery of Žale, but the cemetery management rejects it, which is unheard of. The victims were killed by Partisan units between 1941 and 1945.

– “Nezaslišano in nesprejemljivo”: Janković Romov, ki so jih ubili partizani, ne pusti pokopati na Žalah, je ogorčen Stres. In: Reporter. 20.12.2018. https://reporter.si/clanek/slovenija/nezaslisano-in-nesprejemljivo-jankovic-romov-ki-so-jih-ubili-partizani-ne-pusti-pokopati-na-zalah-je-ogorcen-stres-677143
– Na Žalah zavračajo obtožbe o nespoštovanju do pokojnih Romov. In: SIOL. 20.12.2018. https://siol.net/novice/slovenija/na-zalah-zavracajo-obtozbe-o-nespostovanju-do-pokojnih-romov-486091
– Pravica do pokopa Romov na Žalah. In: Družina. 21.12.2018. https://www.druzina.si/ICD/spletnastran.nsf/clanek/pravica-do-pokopa-romov-na-zalah [link-preview url=”https://reporter.si/clanek/slovenija/nezaslisano-in-nesprejemljivo-jankovic-romov-ki-so-jih-ubili-partizani-ne-pusti-pokopati-na-zalah-je-ogorcen-stres-677143 “]

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A book review of Wolfgang Freitag’s book “Der Fall Karl Horvath” who was deported in 1939 to Dachau as an “asocial” and freed from Mauthausen in 1945, but then indicted as a war criminal, judged, condemned and upon review of the case, freed in 1952.

  • Alles vergeht, doch selbst das Vergangenste vergeht nie ganz – derstandard.at/2000094798582/Alles-vergeht-doch-selbst-das-Vergangenste-vergeht-nie-ganz. In: Der Standard. 26.12.2018. https://derstandard.at/2000094798582/Alles-vergeht-doch-selbst-das-Vergangenste-vergeht-nie-ganz [link-preview url=”https://derstandard.at/2000094798582/Alles-vergeht-doch-selbst-das-Vergangenste-vergeht-nie-ganz”]

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A Romani girl died in a fire of the van she lived in with her family near Cagliari.

  • Toddler feared dead in Roma van fire. In: Ansa. 24.12.2018. http://www.ansa.it/english/news/2018/12/24/toddler-feared-dead-in-roma-van-fire_dbc9645a-edf6-42e3-9e52-7d59f027e7f3.html [link-preview url=”http://www.ansa.it/english/news/2018/12/24/toddler-feared-dead-in-roma-van-fire_dbc9645a-edf6-42e3-9e52-7d59f027e7f3.html”]