Monthly Archives: January 2019

Košice: Trial

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The trial of two Roma who were beaten up in a police action in Molova nad Bodvou has opened. They are accused of making false accusations against the police.
This is a SHAME on Slovakia.

– Na súde pokračuje kauza údajne krivých výpovedí moldavských Rómov. In: Korzar. 26.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Poland: Eviction

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In Maszkowice, South Eastern Poland, a group of 11 Roma houses are being threatened with destruction for having been built illegally. One Rom is threatening to hang himself should this come true.
This technique (illegally built buildings) is increasingly used by several countries to evict Roma. And one needs to note that most of the houses in the countryside in Eastern Europe are illegally built in the first place.

– Mówi, że weźmie sznur, żeby się powiesić. Dramat u Romów w Maszkowicach [WIDEO]. In: Sadedeczanin. 29.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Switzerland and Minorities

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The Swiss government is planning to spend half a million dollars annually to better protect minorities including Roma from militant extremism and terrorism…
That’s pretty much saying we don’t put any money into this …

– Minority groups to benefit from better protection. In: Swiss Info. 30.01.2019. [link-preview url=”″]

Do we need this?

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Yet another “King” – or maybe not. And a conflict between Roma organisations. We definitively do not need that.

– Spor medzi Rómami sa vyostruje! Kráľa Róberta I. zvrhli z trónu: Vajdom pri pohľade na to, čo robí, kypí žlč! In: Nový Čas. 26.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Roma LGBT Activists

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An article on the reality of Roma LGBT activists within the community.

– Rómsky LGBT aktivista: Gejovia sú pre Rómov tabu. Môjho priateľa rodina dokopala na poli. In: Dennik. 23.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]


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An Interview with Moritz Pankok, of the gallery Kai Dhikas in Berlin.

– Kunst von Sinti und Roma. In: Deutschlandkultur. 28.01.2019. [link-preview url=”″]

Bulgaria: Recapitulation

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A recapitulation of the facts that led to a collective punishment of Roma in Plovdiv and later to a manifestation.

– Bulgaria’s Voyvodinovo saga: Karakachanov, ‘impudent gypsies’ and the voices of concern. In: Sofia Globe. 14.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Serbia: Money

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Serbia is adding three million EUR to its budget for the social inclusion of Roma. Not an awful lot in view of the current situation.

– Another EUR 3 million for social inclusion of Roma. In: B92. 24.01.2019. [link-preview url=”″]

Kosovo and Holocaust

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Roma activists market the commemoration of the Holocaust yesterday in Pristina.

– Kosovar Roma Mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day. In: Radio Free Europe. 27.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

AfD and Roma

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The Central Council of German Sinti and Roma sharply criticised the AfD party for its views on History and society following their walkout during a Holocaust commemoration.

– Zentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma kritisiert AfD. In: Deutschland Funk. 26.01.2019. [link-preview url=”″]

More on RomArchive

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Another article on RomArchive.

– Reichtum der Kultur sichtbar machen. In: TAZ. 27.01.2019.!5565127/ [link-preview url=”!5565127/”]

Holocaust and Roma

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An interesting article in the Roma context – namely that the Nazis actually wiped out the Roma middle class during the Holocaust. This is new.

– HOW THE NAZIS WIPED OUT THE ROMANI MIDDLE CLASS. In: The Norwich Radical. 25.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

French Chronicle …

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Not many news in France on Roma this week. An article in Libération is somewhat disturbing. While it is called “No one has Roma friends, I asked myself why”, it nevertheless perpetuates clichés which is what the French press is doing all the time. Other than that, the usual news. In Western France, Roma children need to go to school; the site of a former camp was cleaned up in Nantes; near Paris, a squat was damaged by fire; and in the North, several housing projects, also targeted at Roma will be funded.

– «Personne n’a d’amis roms, je me suis demandé pourquoi». In: Libération. 23.01.2019.
– Vertou. Une trentaine d’enfants Roms à scolariser. In: Ouest France. 24.01.2019.
– Coups de tractopelle pour une première opération de nettoyage à l’Est de Nantes. In: Ouest France. 24.01.2019.
– Dammarie-les-Lys : un squat endommagé par un incendie. In: Le Parisien. 22.01.2019.
– Lille : Un jury citoyen a voté, 18 projets d’habitants seront financés en 2019. In: La Voix du Nord. 25.01.2019. [link-preview url=” “]

AfD and Holocaust

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Guess what, several members of a regional German parliament in Augsburg walked out (YES) during a Holocaust Remembrance commemoration in the Landtag. A Sintica is aghast.

– Augsburger Sinti-Sprecherin entsetzt über AfD-Eklat im Landtag. In: BR24. 25.01.2019.,RG65HiI [link-preview url=”,RG65HiI”]

Italy: Warning

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The Italian president Matarella warns against hate and racism ahead of the Holocaust Remembrance Day.

– Holocaust Remembrance Day a call to vigilance against hatred, Italy’s president warns. In: Xinhua. 25.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Holocaust Remembrance

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The 27th of January is Holocaust Remembrance Day.

– International Holocaust Remembrance Day: Places of memory and mourning. In: Deutsche Welle. 25.01.2019. [link-preview url=”″]

More on RomArchive

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A few more articles on the opening of RomArchive …

– RomArchive – Digital Archive of the Roma. In: E-Flux. 26.01.2019.
– Romani arts and culture make online debut in new digital archive. In: The Art Newspaper. 25.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Roma Choir

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A Roma choir visited Belfast this week and took parts in workshops with schoolchildren in the city.

– Roma choir sings for Belfast schools to ‘bridge the divide’. In: BBC News. 25.01.2019. [link-preview url=”″]

Roma Archive

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More press coverage on the inauguration of RomArchive.

– Kulturarchiv der Sinti und Roma Wer die Geschichte erzählt, bestimmt die Botschaft. In: Berliner Zeitung. 24.01.2019.–bestimmt-die-botschaft-31931024
– “Sie sind eigentlich die wahren Europäer”. In: RBB 24. 24.01.2019.
– Sinti und Roma erzählen jetzt ihre eigene Geschichte. Tagesspiegel. 24.01.2019. [link-preview url=”–bestimmt-die-botschaft-31931024 “]

Opening of RomArchive

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Yesterday saw the inauguration of RomArchive!

– A new digital archive of the Roma reflects diverse cultures. In: Deutsche Welle. 24.01.2019. [link-preview url=”″]