Daily Archives: January 4, 2019


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An article about young photographers in Eastern Europe… The first subject is a total cliché – Roma witches … No comments.

– Five local photographers sharing fascinating stories from Eastern Europe. In: Daze Digital. 03.01.2019. https://www.dazeddigital.com/art-photography/article/42412/1/five-local-photographers-sharing-fascinating-stories-from-eastern-europe [link-preview url=”https://www.dazeddigital.com/art-photography/article/42412/1/five-local-photographers-sharing-fascinating-stories-from-eastern-europe”]

Hungary, Schools, and Issues

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The story of a small village in the North East of Hungary with a large Rroma minority, and the setup of a special school to help Roma have a better education. This additional school was set up by a Roma association, and has been facing issues (relocation etc.) in the village.

– Miért elégedetlenek Lucfalván a tanodával? In: Index. 03.01.2019. https://index.hu/belfold/2019/01/03/lucfalva_nograd_megye_tanoda/ [link-preview url=”https://index.hu/belfold/2019/01/03/lucfalva_nograd_megye_tanoda/”]

Not Good

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An article about an accidental death triggering a feud between two Roma families. All the stereotypes are there …

– Gitanos: dos muertes y la desaparición de un clan. In: Imneuquen. 30.12.2018. https://www.lmneuquen.com/gitanos-dos-muertes-y-la-desaparicion-un-clan-n618240 [link-preview url=”https://www.lmneuquen.com/gitanos-dos-muertes-y-la-desaparicion-un-clan-n618240″]
