Daily Archives: January 7, 2019


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A conference will dwell on the only case in Germany of a Nazi convicted of killing Roma during World War Two.

– Nächste Ausgabe der Reihe „Siegener Forum“. In: Expressi. 04.01.2019. http://expressi.de/region-aktuell-siegen/show/erinnerungen-an-siegener-ns-prozess-gegen-ernst-august-koenig [link-preview url=”http://expressi.de/region-aktuell-siegen/show/erinnerungen-an-siegener-ns-prozess-gegen-ernst-august-koenig”]


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You can be Swiss and a victim of racism… In fact it is quite prevalent in the country.

– Rassismus trotz Integration: Wenn Schweizer diskriminiert warden. In: Limmattaler Zeitung. 05.01.2019. https://www.limmattalerzeitung.ch/limmattal/region-limmattal/rassismus-trotz-integration-wenn-schweizer-diskriminiert-werden-133920822 [link-preview url=”https://www.limmattalerzeitung.ch/limmattal/region-limmattal/rassismus-trotz-integration-wenn-schweizer-diskriminiert-werden-133920822″]

Italy and Roma

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According to the association “Carta di Roma”has analysed the press reporting on Roma in Italy. Despite the fact that Roma and Sinti represent only 0.25% of the population, the anti-Gypsy “entiments are the highest on the European continent, reaching 82%. However, the majority of Roma and Sinti present in the country (4 out of 5) live in conventional housing, study, work and lead a life identical to that of any other Italian or foreign citizen present on the national territory .

– Rom e Sinti, la minoranza più discriminata d’Europa. In: Riforma. 04.01.2019. https://riforma.it/it/articolo/2019/01/03/rom-e-sinti-la-minoranza-piu-discriminata-deuropa [link-preview url=”https://riforma.it/it/articolo/2019/01/03/rom-e-sinti-la-minoranza-piu-discriminata-deuropa”]
