Monthly Archives: January 2019

UK, Brexit, and Roma

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Charities are concerned that thousands of Roma could be deported after Brexit from the UK due to lack of proper documents.

– Brexit could bring ‘a new Windrush’ for Roma. In: The Bristol Cable. 22.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Germany: Roma Holocaust

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Germany’s Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier recalled the crimes committed by the National Socialists against Sinti and Roma. It is good that the rightly so-called “forgotten holocaust” is getting more and more into the country.

– Erinnerung an “vergessenen Holocaust”. In: Dom Radio. 23.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Community Centre

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A Roma community centre will be built in Liptovska Teplicka in central Slovakia. It is meant to help schooling Roma in manual and computer work and is funded by the EU.
Question is as usual, is this the right solution?

– V Liptovskej Tepličke plánujú postaviť komunitné centrum pre rómov. In: Spiš Korzar. 22.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Moldova: Clean Vote

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In the course of half a year, almost 11,000 members of the Roma community in the Republic of Moldova took part in an information campaign on holding fair elections, during which they learned about the rights of those who vote and who wants to run for office. The information campaign was conducted by a number of non-governmental organizations through the UNDP project “Strengthening Democracy in Moldova through Inclusive and Transparent Elections”, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the British Embassy in Chisinau through the Good Governance Foundation and the Netherlands Embassy under the Matra program.

– Сообщество ромов узнало больше об избирательных правах. In: NOI. 21.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Switzerland – Consequences

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The co-head of the young SVP – the rightist populist party in Switzerland – who was condemned for racism is a policeman. He was transferred to an internal department. Actually, he should be dismissed immediately as soon as the sentence is definitive.

– Spahr wegen «Zigeuner»-Plakat versetzt. In: 20 Minutes. 21.01.2019.
– Basler Polizei versetzt Jung-SVPler Adrian Spahr. In: Blick. 21.01.2019.
– Nach Zigeuner-Hetze: Basler Polizist wurde von der Front abgezogen. In: Argauer Zeitung. 21.01.2019.
– Nach Zigeuner-Hetze: Basler Polizist wurde von der Front abgezogen. In: Basler Zeitung. 21.01.2019. [link-preview url=” “]


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An enquiry of the war crimes committed by the Kosovars during the war against Serbs, Roma, Turks, and other minorities has been launched, and two of the commanders of the Kosovo forces are in the Hague for trial. Let’s see…

– Enquête sur la guérilla au Kosovo: soulagement prudent des victims. In: RTL. 14.01.2019.
– Crimes de guerre au Kosovo: 2 chefs rebelles en route pour La Haye. In: Le Devoir. 14.01.2019.
– Enquête sur la guérilla au Kosovo: soulagement prudent des victims. In: Le Point. 14.01.2019. [link-preview url=” “]

Hungary and the Overtime Law

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The new law allowing for more overtime and its deferred payment (up to three years alter) has led to multiple protests. Here, Roma activists from the Khetane Dance Group and from Dikh TV have protested against the law, saying that Roma have had to deal with overtime since a long time in the building industry where many of them work illegally.

– A cigányok harminc éve elszenvedői a túlóratörvénynek. In: 19.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Apply !!!

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– [link-preview url=””]

Bulgaria: Terrorists

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A report on the arrest of 6 people in Bulgaria for their involvement in a terrorist network. So far – nothing special. But then, the small sentence about the rise of “radical Islam” among the Roma community.
This has nothing to do with the arrests – but puts squarely the Roma in the focus.
Bad journalism.

– Bulgarie: six inculpés pour financement d’un puissant réseau terroriste. In: I24 Europe. 19.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Bulgaria: Manifestation

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An attack by two Roma initiated a cycle of violence against the community, including the demolition of a Roma neighbourhood in the village of Voyvodinovo near Plovdiv. 200 people demonstrated in Sofia on 14 January against this collective punishment. They demanded the resignation of Defense Minister Krasimir Karakachanov – who ordered the demolition – for his “hate speech”.

– BULGARIE : CHRONIQUE DE LA VIOLENCE ANTI-ROMS ORDINAIRE. In: Le Courrier des Balkans. 18.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

French Chronicle …

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Seems that most of the news is centred around Nantes in Western France this week: Reflections on the camps and what to do with them, a camp that is threatened, and a clean-up that has not yet been done. In Lilles, there is no will to actually resolve the issue of the Roma camps. Near Paris, a camp has been burning while another was abandoned before an announced closure. In Montpellier, a camp that was not yet closed makes the headlines, while in Eastern France, the press warns against a “false” accident con trick that involves Roma.

– Nantes Bidonvilles roms : beaucoup reste à faire. In: Presse Océan. 15.01.2019.
– Roms : une trentaine de familles menacées d’expulsion à Vertou. In: 19.01.2019.
– VIDÉO. Ce quartier à l’est de Nantes qui attend toujours d’être nettoyé. In: Ouest France. 18.01.2019.
– Lille « Il n’y a pas, ici, la volonté de trouver des solutions durables » pour les Roms. In: La Voix du Nord. 19.01.2019.
– Bondoufle : un incendie a détruit une partie du camp de Roms de La Marinière. In: Le Parisien. 14.01.2019.
– Un camp de Roms en flammes depuis hier soir à Bondoufle. In: Évasion. 14.01.2019.
– Ris-Orangis : un campement rom évacué en bordure de la N 7. In: Yahoo. 16.01.2019.évacué-bordure-n-7-195333265.html
– Malgré les promesses, le bidonville de Celleneuve n’a toujours pas disparu à Montpellier. In: France Bleu. 15.01.2019.
– Sarthe : attention aux arnaques aux faux accidents dans le secteur de Sablé. In: France Bleu. 16.01.2019. [link-preview url=” “]

To be seen …

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A movie on a young Romni who comes to Western Europe. In Brussels January 30th.

– [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia and Roma

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Ábel Ravasz, the Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Government for Roma Communities wants to focus on education and housing this year. On housing, the focus will be in improving living conditions (water, electricity) for the community, and on education, the focus will be on pre-school help.

– Ábel Ravasz sa v tomto roku zameria na vzdelávanie a bývanie Rómov. In: Teraz. 17.01.2019.
– Ravasz sa v tomto roku zameria na vzdelávanie, zamestnanosť a bývanie Rómov. In: Hlavne Spravy. 17.01.2019. [link-preview url=” “]

Civil Rights Exhibition

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An exhibition in Germany shows a retrospective of 45 years of Roma civil right movement in that country. Open until end of the month.

– Kriminalisiert und verfolgt. In: Allgemeine Zeitung. 17.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Bulgaria: Acquitted!

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The nationalist Bulgarian politician Valeri Simeonov was acquitted of charges of hate speech against Roma by Bulgaria’s supreme court. On December 17th, 2014, Simeonov told the House that “part of this (Roma) ethnicity” had become “arrogant, presumptuous and ferocious humanoids, ready to kill in order to steal a few leva”.

– Bulgaria supreme court acquits Valeri Simeonov on anti-Roma hate speech charge. In: The Sofia Globe. 18.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Action Plan

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The Slovak government has unveiled a new action plan for the integration of the Roma community, focusing on education and health care.
Let’s see…

– Viac vzdelania a kvalitné zdravotníctvo, ministerstvo pripravilo pre Rómov akčný plan. In: Web Noviny. 15.01.2019.
– Vládny akčný plán integrácie Rómov sa zameriava na päť prioritných oblastí. In: Postoj. 15.01.2019. [link-preview url=” “]

Well Done!

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Dijana Pavlovic, an actress and Romni activist is really engaged in the defence and for the integration of the Italian Roma community.

– Dijana Pavlovic works to give the Roma a more political voice. In: The Christian Science Monitor. 16.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]


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Austria condemned a publisher of an Online portal for racism following an article on the rape of a woman by a group of youngsters who were from Bulgaria and suggesting that they might have been Roma because there are many of them in Bulgaria.

– Presserat: Artikel auf “” diskriminiert Roma und Sinti. In: Der Standard. 15.01.2019.
– Artikel auf „“ diskriminiert Roma und Sinti. In: OTS. 15.01.2019. [link-preview url=” “]

A First

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Congratulation to the first Irish traveller to obtain a PhD.

– Traveller is first from community in Ireland to receive PhD. In: BBC News. 15.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Romania – Festival

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A reportage on an old celebration in Romania that can be traced back to Roma.

– Did You Know of This Romanian Festival That Is Supposed To Ward Off Evil Spirits? In: About Her. [link-preview url=””]