Monthly Archives: February 2019

Italy and Evictions

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Roma organisations asked for an urgent meeting with the interior minister (Salvini of the Lega) to ask for an immediate stop of the eviction of Roma camps that Salvini has been advocating loudly.

– Rom, sinti e caminanti a Roma per fermare gli sgomberi. In: Umbria Journal. 01.02.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Romania and Roma

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Romania will preside the EU for the coming 6 months. This article ponders the impact of this presidency over the situation of Roma in the country.
Well, we think it will not change much for as long as the country as a whole does not change.

– Profitieren rumänische Roma vom EU-Vorsitz? In: Deutschlandfunk. 02.02.2019. [link-preview url=”″]

Lausanne and Begging

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A recourse has been submitted to the European Court of Human Rights against the interdiction and criminalisation of begging in the canton Vaud and the city of Lausanne.

– Recours déposé à Strasbourg contre l’interdiction vaudoise de la mendicité. In: RTS. 01.02.2019.
– Vaud: recours à Strasbourg contre l’interdiction de mendier. In: Radio Lac. 01.02.2019. [link-preview url=” “]

French Chronicle …

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Not much this week in France on Roma. A video on their history and origins is probably one of the better ones to circulate in that country, except when they divide Roma into three groups (Sinti/Manouches; Kale; Roma), and that their maps of distributions misses quite a few regions. Oh well, France seems oblivious of history when it comes to Roma.
Other than that, in the North, an article about an integration centre; a new squat in Angers, in Western France; and a protest in Juvigny, in the Alps, about a planned Roma camp.

– D’où viennent les Roms et qui sont-ils ? Réponses dans cette vidéo. In: Positivr. 28.01.2019.
– Lambersart Un SAS Roms pour « sortir les familles de la logique de survie » In: La Voix du Nord. 02.02.2019.
– Angers. Les Roms se sont réinstallés rue du Maine, la Ville redemande leur expulsion. In: Oust France. 01.02.2019.
– Des habitants lancent une pétition contre le camp de Roms imposé par l’État. In: Le Dauphiné. 28.01.2019. [link-preview url=” “]

The Women in Miskolc

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An article / radio on the Romnja in Miskolc, Eastern Hungary who won a case of discrimination against the Hungarian state for discrimination in the hospitals.

– E romnja njerisrade ando krisi ando Miskolc. In: Radio Romano. 29.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Transnistria and Roma

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In Tiraspol, Transnistria – a region that declared independence and is only recognised by Russia, a round table on “The social and economic position of the Roma in society” was organised. Among its participants are representatives of public organizations, executive bodies of power, as well as deputies of the Supreme Council.
Well, no comments …

– ПРОБЛЕМЫ РОМОВ ОБСУДИЛИ НА КРУГЛОМ СТОЛЕ В ТИРАСПОЛЕ. In: Novosti PMR. 31.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Work Project

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A report on a project involving NGOs and factories to help Roma back to work. This is the first project, and resulted in the employment of 40 Roma in a local factory in Poprad.

– Popradská spoločnosť je prvou v projekte Človeka v ohrození: Zamestnáva 40 Rómov. In: Poprad 24. 01.02.2019.
– Spoločnosť Stiga v Poprade zamestnala už 40 Rómov pomocou inovatívneho programu zamestnávania. In: Web Noviny. 01.02.2019.
– Program pre zamestnávanie Rómov premieňa celé komunity. In: SME Domov. 01.02.2019. [link-preview url=” “]


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An exhibition on the Roma Holocaust in the UK. Good, as this is not a topic that is often talked about there.

– Hard-hitting exhibition shines light on Nazi persecution of Gypsy and Roma families. In: The Courier. 31.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]


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A dance piece on Romnja by Belen Maya, the daughter of Mario Maya, one of the most influential Flamenco dancers.

– Sorrows and joys of Roma women told through dance. In: Kansas University. 31.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

More Junk

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No comments on such articles. They are really not what we need.

– Hundreds visit her gravesite each year. The Queen of the Gypsies is Mississippi royalty. In: Mississippi Clarion Ledger. 31.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]


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More on the opening, this time from the USA.

– New Archive Reclaims the Narrative of the Roma. In: Smithonian. 31.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Do We Need That?

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Gory story in the Sun and the Daily Mail of a woman attacked by Roma who apparently believed sh had an affair with a married Rom.
In any case, this is not what we need …

– GYPSY ‘JUSTICE’. Brit was stripped, stabbed and scalped in ‘ritual shaming’ over alleged affair with a married man by gypsies in Portugal. In: The Sun. 31.01.2019.
– British waitress, 22, is stabbed and stripped naked before her hair is cut off in horror attack ‘by gypsy family who accused her of having an affair with one of their clan’ in Portugal. In: The Daily mail. 01.02.2019. [link-preview url=” “]