Daily Archives: March 12, 2019

Well …

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A primary school in Hannover, Germany, is asking the government to limit the number of Roma children that they have to take. Reason behind it is that the city created a new centre for homeless people in the territory covered by the school, and moved a number of Roma there. The school is asking the city to spread the children in other schools.

– Grundschule Mengendamm möchte nicht viele Roma-Kinder aufnehmen. In: Hannoverische Allgemeine. 11.03.2019. http://www.haz.de/Hannover/Aus-der-Stadt/Hannover-List-Grundschule-Mengendamm-moechte-nicht-viele-Roma-Kinder-aufnehmen [link-preview url=”http://www.haz.de/Hannover/Aus-der-Stadt/Hannover-List-Grundschule-Mengendamm-moechte-nicht-viele-Roma-Kinder-aufnehmen”]

Slovakia: Integration Project

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The city of Levice is currently implementing projects for more than 200,000 euros aimed at improving the living conditions of the marginalized Roma community. From the implementation of the projects, the city expects the integration of Roma into the social, economic and cultural life, as well as improving the environment by removing illegal landfills.

– Levice realizujú projekty na zlepšenie životných podmienok Rómov. In: Teraz. 09.03.2019. https://www.teraz.sk/regiony/levice-realizuju-projekty-na-zlepsenie/382793-clanok.html [link-preview url=”https://www.teraz.sk/regiony/levice-realizuju-projekty-na-zlepsenie/382793-clanok.html”]
