Daily Archives: March 15, 2019

Turkey and Roma

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Testimonies of the population exchange between Greece and Turkey following the war. Greece expelled Moslems and Turkey expelled Christians. Among the Moslems in Greece were most of the local Roma – for example the Sepečides – who are now living in Izmir.

– Roma people tell of ancestors’ 1923 ‘population exchange’ stories. In: Daily News. 13.03.2019. http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/roma-people-tell-of-ancestors-1923-population-exchange-stories-141853 [link-preview url=”http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/roma-people-tell-of-ancestors-1923-population-exchange-stories-141853″]

Travellers in Switzerland

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The canton of Berne is setting aside quite a bit of money to create a permanent camping site for travellers in Villeroltigen. Good, except that they segregate between “Swiss” and “Foreign” travellers. And the SVP, the populist right wing party already stated that they would do a referendum on the topic.

– 3,3 Millionen Franken für ausländische Fahrende. In: Tele Bärn. 13.03.2019. https://www.telebaern.tv/telebaern-news/33-millionen-franken-fuer-auslaendische-fahrende-134205439?utm_source=shared-facebook&fbclid=IwAR2P9OnGYhvOIxFBNmx9nCOzjU1tFOfRMqlH2qAhVGUrkRe2fSWMUmI7DLk [link-preview url=”https://www.telebaern.tv/telebaern-news/33-millionen-franken-fuer-auslaendische-fahrende-134205439?utm_source=shared-facebook&fbclid=IwAR2P9OnGYhvOIxFBNmx9nCOzjU1tFOfRMqlH2qAhVGUrkRe2fSWMUmI7DLk”]

Hungary, Roma, and Education

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Hungary is launching a new program of vocational training for Roma in agriculture. It is supposed to help Roma integration. Unfortunately, Hungary is also one of the leaders in terms of segregated schools at all educational levels, something that goes against integrations.

– Bentlakásos iskolákba terelnék a roma fiatalokat, hogy gazdálkodókat faragjanak belőlük. In: 24.hu. 14.03.2019. https://24.hu/belfold/2019/03/14/bentlakasos-iskola-roma-fiatalok-agroma/
– Agrár szakközépiskolai hálózattal vágnának bele a roma felzárkóztatásba. In: Index.hu. 14.03.2019. https://index.hu/belfold/2019/03/14/roma_ciganysag_felzarkoztatas_oktatas_agroma_program_vilagitotorony_mezogazdasag_szakkozepiskola/ [link-preview url=”https://24.hu/belfold/2019/03/14/bentlakasos-iskola-roma-fiatalok-agroma/ “]
