Daily Archives: January 25, 2022
Rome and Roma
A diatribe against Roma in Rome and against the funding set to help them in the camps. The reason: the toxic fumes emanating from many of these camps due, most probably to the burning of wires to recuperate metals.
- Roma, Santori (Lega): “Ancora fumi tossici dai campi, ma in bilancio aumentano i fondi per i Rom”. In: Meridiana Notizie. 24.01.2022.
Slovakia’s Census
The case of Nižný Slavkov, a small town in Eastern Slovakia, where none of the roughly 230 the Roma living in the local Osada (Settlement) declared themselves as Roma in the census, saying that they are Slovaks (which, by the way it technically correct).
- V Nižnom Slavkove akoby Rómov ani nemali. Z osadníkov sa totiž nikto k tejto národnosti neprihlásil. In: TV Noviny. 24.01.2022.
A strange story of the murder of 5 Roma from a single family in Bahia. One of the few stories one hears about Roma there.
- Law of silence reigns in Bahia after the death of 5 gypsies from the same family – 01/24/2022. In: Play Crazy game. 24.01.2022.
Nine Roma who sued for having been evicted under the pretext of “waste collection” in 2012 by the then mayor Richard Raši (then Smer, now Hlas) from their homes in the Nižné Kapustníky district of Košice, have finally won in court.
It is a moral win, they lost their homes and were awarded 1’000 EUR each…
- Rómov vysťahovali pod zámienkou odvozu odpadu. Súd rozhodol v ich prospech. In: SME. 24.01.2022.