Monthly Archives: January 2022
Rome and Roma
A diatribe against Roma in Rome and against the funding set to help them in the camps. The reason: the toxic fumes emanating from many of these camps due, most probably to the burning of wires to recuperate metals.
- Roma, Santori (Lega): “Ancora fumi tossici dai campi, ma in bilancio aumentano i fondi per i Rom”. In: Meridiana Notizie. 24.01.2022.
Slovakia’s Census
The case of Nižný Slavkov, a small town in Eastern Slovakia, where none of the roughly 230 the Roma living in the local Osada (Settlement) declared themselves as Roma in the census, saying that they are Slovaks (which, by the way it technically correct).
- V Nižnom Slavkove akoby Rómov ani nemali. Z osadníkov sa totiž nikto k tejto národnosti neprihlásil. In: TV Noviny. 24.01.2022.
A strange story of the murder of 5 Roma from a single family in Bahia. One of the few stories one hears about Roma there.
- Law of silence reigns in Bahia after the death of 5 gypsies from the same family – 01/24/2022. In: Play Crazy game. 24.01.2022.
Nine Roma who sued for having been evicted under the pretext of “waste collection” in 2012 by the then mayor Richard Raši (then Smer, now Hlas) from their homes in the Nižné Kapustníky district of Košice, have finally won in court.
It is a moral win, they lost their homes and were awarded 1’000 EUR each…
- Rómov vysťahovali pod zámienkou odvozu odpadu. Súd rozhodol v ich prospech. In: SME. 24.01.2022.
Camarón de la Isla
The life of José Monje Cruz (5 December 1950 – 2 July 1992), better known by his stage name Camarón de la Isla, is the subject of a graphic novel.
- The shrimp returns: beloved flamenco singer Camarón stars in graphic novel. In: The Guardian. 23.01.2022.
New Movie
A new movie to watch.
- New Film Inspiring Pride in Roma Identity to Premiere This Month. In:
French Chronicle …
Fairly quiet in the French news this week on Roma. An article on the future “transition” camp for Roma near Montpellier which prompted many protests; a fire in Nantes near a Roma camp; an expulsion request of 4 families in Villeneuve d’Asc; and the camp at the end of the Roissy runway near Paris opens again – this clearly showing it would be simpler to lodge those Roma rather than just displace them.
- Camps de Roms à Montpellier : à quoi va ressembler le futur village transitoire de La Rauze ? In: Midi Libre. 22.01.2022.
- Saint-Herblain : un incendie se déclare près d’un camp de Roms. In: 20.01.2022.
- À Villeneuve-d’Ascq, des riverains prêts à en découdre pour faire partir les Roms. In: La Voix du Nord. 22.01.2022.
- Villeneuve-d’Ascq: nouvelle demande d’expulsion en référé pour quatre familles roms. In: La Voix du Nord. 19.01.2022.
- Villeneuve-d’Ascq fait largement sa part de l’accueil des gens du voyage et des Roms. In: La Voix du Nord. 22.01.2022.
- Huit ans et un incendie après, 500 Roms ont reconstruit un camp au bout des pistes de l’aéroport de Roissy. In: Le Parisien. 20.01.2022.
Saintes Marie de la Mer
A reportage on the Saines Marie de la Mer pilgrimage with all the confusion and stereotypes that the French show between Manouches, Sinti, Roma, Travellers… They seem not to want to get it right.
- “C’est le bout du monde et le monde entier s’y retrouve”, aux Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer le pèlerinage des gitans au cœur d’un documentaire. In: FR3. 21.01.2022.
Slovakia, Covid, and Roma
According to the Slovak Government, patients from the Roma community are twice as likely to die from Covid than the rest of the population. It is a combination of low vaccination, low living standards, insufficient health knowledge and high population density in these communities.
- Patrik Lenghart: Rómovia na Covid na Slovensku zomierajú dvakrát častejšie (KOMENTÁR). In: Startitup. 22.01.2022.
Ireland, Slovakia, and Roma
The person arrested for the murder of a young teacher, Ashling Murphy, is a Slovak, and apparently also Rom. This is bad. A Slovak MP, Peter Pollak, urged to refrain from collective guilt on Roma.
- Slovak MEP condemns brutal murder in Ireland and the principle of collective blame against Roma. In: Romea. 22.01.2022.
- Man (31) charged with murder of Ashling Murphy in Tullamore. In: The Irish Times. 20.02.2022.
- Negatívna reklama pre krajinu: Z vraždy krásnej učiteľky v Írsku obvinili Slováka Jozefa! In: Dnes24. 20.01.2022.
Ireland, Slovakia, and Roma
The Slovak view on the intervention of the Slovak MP Peter Pollak on the arrest of a suspect for the murder of the Irish teacher Ashling Murphy.
- Na VRAŽDU mladej Írky ZAREAGOVAL aj europoslanec Pollák: Z jeho slov zostanete v ŠOKU! In: Pluska. 21.01.2022.
Zilli Schmidt
Zilli Schmidt, one of the last survivors of the Auschwitz concentration camp, received the Federal Cross of Merit in Mannheim on Friday evening. Mayor Peter Kurz (SPD) paid tribute to the 97-year-old for her political commitment as a member of German Sinti and Roma. Zilli Schmidt was persecuted by the National Socialists as a “Gypsy”. Her parents, her two sisters and her daughter Gretel were murdered in Auschwitz. After the Second World War, Zilli Schmidt built a new life in Mannheim. Under the title “God has planned something for me!” she published her biography two years ago.
- Bundesverdienstkreuz für Zilli Schmidt. In: SWR Aktuell. 22.01.2022.
Slovakia and Roma
The findings of the Slovak 2021 Census do not reflect the real numbers of the Roma community in Slovakia. The survey of the Atlas of Roma Communities and the estimates of local governments estimate the number of Roma at 450’000.
- Sčítanie neukazuje reálny počet Rómov, uviedol Ján Hero. In: Teraz. 21.01.2022.
Another case of a successful Sinto who doesn’t out himself for fear of losing clients.
All too common still
- Schweigen: Der Preis, um aufzusteigen. In: Deutsche Welle. 20.01.2022.
Munich – Exhibition
An exhibition entitled “Last Seen” opened in Munich.
It shows pictures of people who were deported by the Nazis and later killed, with several of Sinti and Roma.
- München · Bilder der NS-Deportation. In: Wochenanzeiger. 21.01.2022.
A memorial for the Sinti and Roma murdered during the National Socialist era is to be erected in Saarbrücken. According to the city, the memorial will be erected at the parish church of St. Michael in St. Johann.
- Saarbrücken plant Mahnmal für Sinti und Roma. In: SR. 20.01.2022.
80 Years
On the anniversary of the Wannsee Conference where the fate of Jews was sealed, the head of memorial ponders about parallels between the past and the present.
- 80 Jahre Wannsee-Konferenz: Erinnern hört nie auf. In: Deutsche Welle. 20.01.2022.
On Roma Slavery
An essay of Roma Slavery in Romanian lands.
- Roma Slavery: From Recognition to Reconciliation. In: Transitions. 19.01.2022.
Germany: Project and Exhibition
Around 60 youngsters from the Albert Einstein School (AES) will now be able to guide their classmates through an exhibition entitled “The Path of the Sinti and Roma”. They have been trained accordingly. The students are involved in a project called “School without Racism – School with Courage”.
- “Vorurteile sind das Übel”. In: Frankfurter Neue Presse. 19.01.2022.