Daily Archives: July 4, 2022

Czech Ombudsman

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Czech Ombudsman

Stanislav Křeček, the current Czech ombudsman and former ČSSD politician, is, to put it mildly, extravagant. Critics blame him for ignoring his agenda and not understanding it at all. Křeček became famous for his statements about the fact that Roma discrimination does not exist in the Czech Republic – that is, in a country that has already lost before the European Court of Human Rights due to Roma segregation.

He should be removed from office.

Slovakia and Help to Poor Families

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Slovakia and Help to Poor Families

The package of laws passed by the finance minister Igor Matovič is not good for poor families. The allowance for first-year students will be abolished, the poorest will only receive a small tax bonus, and the state will take half of the allowances for children whose parents do not send them to school – although the parents no longer receive the money, but the municipality. This last measure clearly aimed at Roma.

