Daily Archives: July 20, 2022

Croatia and Roma

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In the last five years, the number of Roma students has increased three times. These data come from the Croatian Government Office for Human Rights and National Minorities, according to which more and more Roma children remain in the school system. They graduate from university, become lawyers, but often do not find work due to racism.

Germany and Ukrainian Roma Refugees

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More and more municipalities in the German state of Thuringia are turning to the Thuringian State Association of Sinti and Roma for help when taking in refugees from the Ukraine. “We have been receiving calls for help from the authorities since the beginning of July,” said chairman Jens Hellmann on Tuesday when asked. It seems that since the beginning of the month, more and more Roma who have fled have come to Thuringia by bus. Many of them are illiterate, and there are also reservations among the local population. Since then, the association’s social workers and interpreters have been traveling to the respective locations and helping with translation or accommodation.
