Daily Archives: October 6, 2022

Slovak MPs Reactions to the EU Vote

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On Wednesday, the European Parliament adopted a set of recommendations aimed at improving “the precarious situation of Roma settlements in the European Union”. MEPs underlined that the Roma – in all the diversity that this term covers – are the largest ethnic minority in Europe and suffer from poverty and social exclusion in several Member States.

This article interviewed the Slovak MPs and their reactions to the vote. The reactions are generally positive and highlight the difficulty to resolve the problems.

EU and Roma

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The EU Parliament passed a resolution acknowledging the plight of Roma in many European countries and the need for more action and changes in many European countries. The resolution also called on member states to ensure that EU funds earmarked to support Roma settlement communities are used effectively and to further integrate Roma populations into their societies. This latter point is not a moot one, as initiatives such as the Roma decade have shown that throwing money at the issue doesn’t really change the fundamental issues.

The resolution was adopted with 486 votes in favour, 109 against and 38 abstentions. It would be interesting to understand the rationale of those who voted against it and from which countries and parties they are.
