Daily Archives: November 4, 2022

Bucharest Festival

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Musicians from Germany and France are invited to the Days of Sinti and Roma Culture that will take place in Bucharest, between November 10 and 12, as part of an event organized by the Goethe-Institut Bucharest and the French Institute in Romania. According to a press release sent to AGERPRES on Friday, the initiative of the two cultural institutes aims to strengthen the representation of the Roma in the public space, by disseminating their culture.

Sinti and Roma Culture Days will open with the “Roma Music and Community Engagement” round table. Cultural specialists and managers who have carried out projects about Roma culture or projects aimed at this minority will debate socio-economic and cultural aspects of the Roma and Sinti ethnic group in Central Europe and Romania, the press release states.

On November 12, musicians specializing in guitar or violin are expected at the National University of Music, in the Auditorium Hall, for an intensive workshop held by Florin Niculescu and Christian Escoude, where the participants will familiarize themselves with the instrumental style on original Sinti and Gypsy rhythms jazz from Germany and France. The workshop is free and takes place between 10:00 and 14:30.

On the same day, from 19:00, at ARCUB – Hanul Gabroveni, the public is invited to listen to a gypsy and sinti jazz concert, performed by Dotschy Reinhardt Sinteza, a descendant of the jazz legend Django Reinhardt, together with the French guitarist Christian Escoude and the Romanian violinist Florin Niculescu.


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Prejudices are created over centuries and are difficult to eradicate. What is it like to be a girl, a girl and an adult woman, faced with numerous prejudices in society, but also with the traditions of your people?

Roma women are marginalized multiple times: in the Roma community itself, which was and remains very patriarchal, and then as members of the minority by the majority society. We asked eight women about how they grew up and what they experienced in the family, school and society. The stories are very different, even when it comes to close relatives, just as the women we talked to are different, of different generations and destinies.
