Daily Archives: January 16, 2023

Poland and Roma

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An article about the life of Romnja in Poland and their constant fight against stereotypes. This is presented through interviews with two Polish Romnja, one who stile lives in a traditional way (whatever that may effectively mean) and one which doesn’t.

But the stereotypes are the same: Dirty thieves.

Czech Elections

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79% of the Roma in a small closed village voted for Babiš in the first round of the presidential elections in the Czech Republic. Marco Cavali from Prague, the chairman of the Roma Luma (Roma World) party, which he founded in 2021, called on the Roma to vote for Andrej Babiš. “And the Roma also voted for Babiš in the first round. Only this candidate is a sure guarantee of a safe life in the Czech Republic for the Roma,” Cavali tells CNN Prima NEWS.

This is bad. Babiš is a populist, supported by the far-right Okamura’s party. This will not turn out good for the Roma.

French Chronicle …

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Still not much in the French press about Roma this last week. An initiative to play with Roma children in the North of France. Nice idea, but frankly, what does it bring? Also in the North, a camp got closed in Lille. Near Paris, in Bobigny, another camp was closed. Finally, near Nice in the South, a new camp was opened. This is the same game since nearly 20 years: Close a camp, the camp pops up somewhere else.
