Monthly Archives: April 2023

Czech Republic: Segregation?

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Speaking to the Upper House of the Czech Parliament last week, Senator Jana Zwyrtek Hamplová called mixing Roma and non-Roma students in schools “an unworkable idea.” According to her, separate classes would give Roma children a better chance of succeeding. These remarks have aroused strong criticism in a country where school segregation largely remains and is often criticized by international institutions. Hungary was recently condemned for exactly this reason.

French Chronicle …

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Quite a few different topics this week in the French press about Roma. First, the answer of a romano writer to an article which we also published last Sunday about the place of Roma culture in museums and the creation of a museum in Southern France. The writer, Jacques Debos is quite critical. It makes for good reading and for a more differentiated view on the topic of Roma culture.

In Bordeaux, an event showcases Roma culture, with tales and music. In Montpellier, a new exhibition will show Roma history and culture.

Only more usual news is in Montpellier, a new project to help Roma children integrate the school system.

Racism in Germany

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Dosta [enough], is an antiziganism documentation centre that documents and analyses antiziganist incidents in Berlin. In the past two years, the reporting office has documented a total of 372 incidents – the highest number of cases since the start of the project. The number of unreported cases is likely to be significantly higher.

In one such case, a woman reported that an examiner from the job centre asked why her child was not in school. When she answered that he is ill, he shouted out loud: “Children have to go to school here, otherwise you will all be sent back to Romania on the bus.”

Roma in Serbia

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It is difficult to accept one’s Roma identity. All nations in Europe have a majority population, but Roma are a minority in all European countries. That they are the same and yet different is a realization that Roma arrive to very early.

Bojan Branković (34) tells DW that as a child from a mixed marriage, he grew up in a small community, in Trstenik. He experienced discrimination for the first time at school: “Given that I am a child of different cultures, there was prejudice in my primary school, at the expense of my mother, who is a Romni.”

Roma Days of Culture

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With the traditional greeting “Bibijako sastipe” (To the health of Auntie), the Days of Roma Culture began in Čačak, Serbia. These culture days will last from April 7 to 12,.

Bibija, Romani patron saint, healer and not yet canonized saint, is celebrated among Roma of the Orthodox faith. This celebration has been included in the National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Serbia since 2019.

This year, Bibija will be commemorated in Čačak with a special program organized by Roma associations. The following will be organized: an exhibition, a traditional meal, performances by cultural and artistic societies and dance groups, film screenings and concerts by the bands Kal and Pretty Loud.


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The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), ahead of International Roma Day on 8 April, said that more needs to be done to combat racism and discrimination and to protect Romnja.

Slovakia and Roma Integration

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One year after the adoption of the first action plan of the Strategy for Roma Equality, Inclusion and Participation until 2030, it will be necessary to strengthen communication and monitoring of the completion of the tasks. Ján Hero, the representative of the Slovak government for Roma communities, admitted it. Former Roma plenipotentiary, current Member of the European Parliament Peter Pollák Sr. points out that even the perfect strategy and action plan cannot improve the situation of marginalized Roma if all those involved do not make increased efforts.

Ukraine and April 8th

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A round table was held in Ukraine’s Commissioner’s Secretariat on the occasion of the International Roma Day. The discussion was attended by the management and representatives of the Office of the Ombudsman, Ukrainian state institutions, international and public organizations.

During the introductory speech, Commissioner Dmytro Lubinets noted that the issue of the status of national communities is one of the conditions for Ukraine’s accession to the EU, therefore this issue is extremely important for Ukraine as a whole and for the work of the Ombudsman’s Office. In particular, the protection of the rights of the Roma minority, which is one of the most vulnerable national communities.

Vojvodina and Roma TV

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Acting General Director of Vojvodina Radio and Television, Jožef Klem, and the President of the National Council of the Roma National Minority, Dalibor Nakić, discussed the possibilities and ways to improve programs in the Roma language in Novi Sad. They also highlighted the problems that hinder further progress.

Slovenia and Roma

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The President of the Association of Roma in Slovenia, Jožek Horvat Muc, says that assessments of the situation of Roma in Slovenia vary, depending on who gives them, but in his opinion, this is better than in many other countries. Compared to other EU countries, the position of the Roma is relatively good, but there are also areas to which more attention should be paid, the President of the Roma Association, Jožek Horvat Muc, and the Director of the Office for Nationalities, Stanko Baluh, warn ahead of World Roma Day. In doing so, they highlight the areas of education, employment and security.

Frankly, this is not quite the truth. The situation is quite bad, as the press in Slovenia loves to highlight.

Berlin and April 8th

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April 8, 2023, is the 52nd International Roma Day and on this occasion the Roma flag will be hung in ten Berlin districts – due to the Easter holidays this year on April 6th. On the occasion of the “International Roma Day” numerous events take place in Berlin and nationwide.

Roma Camps in Rome

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The Councilor for Social Policies Funari states that the goal is to achieve true inclusion and the right to citizenship of the Roma who live around Rome. For 69% of Romans, the minority “is a threat” (57% among Italians).

There are problems and they are undeniable: the real estate market, which concerns all Romans, and then the racism that continues to exist, and the further discrimination, caused by the institutions and for which we can only apologize.

Italy’s Roma Inclusion Plans

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The new Italian national strategy for the inclusion of Roma and Sinti communities 2021-2030 has been presented in Rome.

The text responds to the recommendation of the Council of the European Union to address the socio-economic exclusion of Roma and Sinti in the EU and in the enlargement countries, “promoting equal access to education, employment, assistance health and housing, inviting Member States to design national Roma and Sinti integration strategies.” The new plan focuses on the enhancement of Roma culture and at the same time on the fight against anti-Gypsyism.

They’d better resolve the issue of the Roma camps …

Germany: Deportations

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Germany has resumed the deportation of rejected refugees. This is particularly controversial in the case of Moldova. Most of the people from Moldova requesting asylum in Germany are Roma, and there, they are discriminated against.

Slovakia: 4 Books

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An article on 4 books about exceptional women. What is truly exceptional is that one of this book is one written by a Czech Romni Elena Lacková’s  called “I was born under a happy star”. The first author is Elena Lacková with her memoirs, the second is the Czech romani studies professor Milena Hubschmannová, who recorded them all, transcribed them and prepared them for printing.

Serbia: Gala Evening for April 8th

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The Serbian Minister of Culture, Maja Gojković, said on the occasion of the gala evening in the House of the Army, organized on the occasion of the International Day of the Roma, that fostering friendship and coexistence, equally interwoven with victories and sufferings, the Roma today are an inseparable and extremely important and valuable part of our society.

Gojković pointed out that the Roma community is an integral part of society and that it has always considered Serbia its homeland, just like the Serbian people, and that it is important to make our climate a better place for both Serbs and Roma to live, as well as all other nations and national minorities that they live in Serbia.


Čeija Stojka

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An article in the Czech press about Čeija Stojka, who survived the Holocaust, and went to write a book about it and paint.

She was a great woman.