Daily Archives: June 11, 2023

Bulgaria Festival

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The children’s Roma festival “Open Heart” was held for the 18th time in a row and brought together children and young people from all over Bulgaria in V. Tarnovo. This edition was also a bit special for the organisers from the Amalipe Center for Inter-Ethnic Dialogue and Tolerance, as in 2023 the forum turns 20. Many songs, dances, poems, a theatrical production and a number of other side events entertained the spectators and the participants themselves in the festival, which traditionally gathered in “Marno Pole” park. It was attended by more than 1,000 students from over 70 schools across the country, included in the Folklore of Ethnicities, Roma Folklore and other activities of interest, girls and boys from the Youth Groups for Tolerance and Civic Participation, as well as educational mediators.

French Chronicle …

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First, a TV “reportage” omen “Gypsy Wedding”… With all stereotypes, and the implied generalisation on all Roma. Then a recent book, translated from the Italian on Roma living on the outskirts of Florence, Italy. Then the more usual: A massive Roma camp in Bordeaux, with more than 2000 people, and a camp near Aix en Provence that will be closed soon.
