Daily Archives: July 4, 2023

Serbia: Journalism Workshop

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The first workshop organized by the Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization (EHO) on the topic “Journalists in the world of discrimination and anti-Gypsyism” was held on June 29 and 30 in Novi Sad at the premises of EHO. The project is supported by the Swiss organization HEKS/EPER, and is implemented by the Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization Novi Sad in partnership with 7 municipalities in Serbia.

Lviv and Roma

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Reportage about a camp of Roma from Transcarpathian Ukraine in Lviv. About two hundred Roma live there. They came from Zakarpattia, where uneducated Roma lack jobs. They hope for a better fate in the case of a big city, which is not fully realized. They collect scrap from garbage dumps, sometimes they are hired to do odd farm jobs. They live in tents made of branches and construction foil, placed on the bare ground.

Catholic parishioners from Lviv are helping them.

Ukraine’s View of the Attack in Pardubice

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Three articles in the Ukrainian press relating the manifestation of the Roma following the brawl between Roma and Ukrainians in that city that left on Rom injured.

The stress in the Ukrainian press is effectively “we don’t really know what happened” and “who started it”, and in one case “nationality of the people was not disclosed”. Other than that, fair representation of the manifestation and the facts.
