Monthly Archives: August 2023

Ukraine, War, and Minorities

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Roma displaced by the war still have problems with access to the labour market in the Ukraine. According to a study by an international charitable organization, which was conducted in May 2023 among Roma immigrants in the Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhya, Odesa, and Zakarpattia regions, the situation has improved.

However, there still are integration problems, discrimination, access to the labour market and ensuring the financial independence of immigrant families, information, and children’s access to education. The most difficult situation is in the Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhzhia regions.

Czech Republic, Roma, and Ukrainians

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Some Czech Roma are protesting about the release of the Ukrainian who killed a Rom in Brno recently. He is no longer in jail but on bail. The release of the murderer from the Brno case is a slap in the face of the Roma. “One less gypsy, so what?” according to Romani leader Tancoš.

These confrontations between Ukrainian refugees and Roma have not been good. Some Roma sided with some extreme right parties to complain about Ukrainian refugees. Our attitude is: Let’s see what justice says about this case. It is definitively bad that the suspect was released on bail, with the judge expressing doubt about this being a murder.

Germany: Exhibition

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The exhibition “The Path of #Sinti and #Roma” by the Hessian State Association of Sinti and Roma  in northern Hesse will be shown from Saturday, September 2, 2023 (opening from 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.) until September 26, 2023.

Moldova and Roma Barons

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The Soroca “baron” of all Roma Artur Cerari tells who can inherit his position as the leader of the Roma and what qualities his successor should have, according to One of the main candidates is the daughter of the current baron.

This “baron” represents a vica of Kalderaša or related group, which is by far not all Roma.

Kosovo: Police Brutality?

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Roma gathered today in Gračanica, Kosovo, at a protest organized by the Association of Roma in Kosovo “Opre Roma”, due to the beating of a Rom by the Kosovo Police.

Croatia, Roma, and Education

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On August 29, 2023, the final conference of the Erasmus project “KULko” – “Development of cultural capital of Roma students” was held at Orehovica Elementary School in Orehovica, carried out in partnership by Orehovica Elementary School, Čakovec Public Open University, Lendava Human University and Elementary School Franceta Prešerna in Črenšovka. The project which was funded with 60,000 euros, lasted 18 months, involved 20 classroom teachers from Orehovica Elementary School (where 62 percent of the children are Roma) and the Slovenian Franceta Prešerna Elementary School, and the project produced various analyses and offered practical solutions for teachers, to help Roma children better integrate in school.

Roma and Czech Media

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Roma are mostly presented negatively in the media, they still face discrimination! This follows from a survey by Romea. Respondents to the survey had the opportunity to choose Roma personalities, who were then invited by the first Roma internet television to the Desetiminutovka Plus program. “Some mentioned specific names, others just fields from which Roma should be invited to our program. Some of the names of Romany personalities that appeared in the poll, we have already had as guests on the show.

Slovakia: Large Project

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A call for projects entitled “Assistance to municipalities with the presence of marginalized Roma communities in arranging legal relations to land under settlements” has been started in Slovakia. More than 17 million euros have been allocated from European Union. “The aim of the call is to support the processes associated with the arrangement of ownership and use relationships to land in settlements in municipalities with the presence of marginalized Roma communities,” the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Slovak Republic for Roma communities said.

French Chronicle …

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The usual, unfortunately, this last week in France on Roma.

In Bordeaux, an article on the Podensac camp where Roma who were expulsed from another camp re-settled; A new camp in Ermenonville; in Lyon, neighbour of a new “insertion camp” are protesting against nuisances; and of course, criminality with the theft of copper in Lyon.

Slovakia: Roma Spirit

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The nomination campaign of the jubilee 15th year of Roma Spirit is going to the finals. Last days to submit an application for the award! It is possible to nominate exceptional people and activities that contribute to the improvement of the situation of Roma in Slovakia by filling out the online application only until September 3!

Montenegro: Roma Mediators

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UNICEF, the EU and the NGO HELP call on Montenegrin national and local authorities to provide an adequate number of Roma mediators employed in the educational, health and child and social welfare systems in order to end the poverty of Roma children in Montenegro.

Karel Holomek

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Karel Holomek, a Roma activist, journalist, politician, with  degree in mechanical engineering and founder of the Museum of Roma Culture, died at the age of 86 on Sunday afternoon.

May he rest in peace.

Germany: Clan Criminality

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The Green politician Renate Künast’s move to stop using the term “clan criminality” by the North Rhine-Westphalia, a term that was heavily criticised by Roma organisations was rejected. NRW Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) told the “Bild” (Saturday edition): “You have to name problems if you want to solve them. Out of sheer fear of stigmatization, clan criminality was ignored for 30 years. We have to spoon up the soup now”.

Poland: Attack

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A reportage on the case of a man, a former soldier, who suddenly threatened Roma children in Zabrze, Poland. All the more incomprehensible, as he had been living for a long time in the neighbourhood and had friends there.

Germany, Bulgaria, and Bad Journalism

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An article in the sensation paper “Bild” about the Stolipino Mahala in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Parts of it are really poor, other less so. And here of course, as a title: “All want to come to Germany”.


Serbia: Baptism

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Another article that is not exactly good for Roma. This time it is a baptism of a child in Belgrade, where apparently lots of money was spent.


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The 20th jubilee meeting of Roma high school and university students, called BARUVAS (in Romanes “We Grow”), will begin on Saturday, August 26. The one-week summer school will be in the spirit of education, motivational workshops, self-discovery, Roma history and Rompiliáda (Roma Olympics). Among other things, participants will learn about the virtual reality project of the concentration camp in Lety u Písek, or try to create a series of multimedia materials in the form of magazines. All this thanks to the beautiful environment near Pilsen.