Daily Archives: August 1, 2023

Occupied Ukraine: Deportations

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The Russian government forcibly evicts the “Gypsy population” from the territory of Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions, because they “distribute prohibited substances and violate the laws of the Russian Federation.”

In addition, in the document, they call for strengthening the controls over publications in Telegram channels – since dissatisfaction among the “Gypsy youth” with the forced deportation has become a noticeable problem for the Russian authorities.

Another Russian crime.

Czech Republic: Roma and Ukrainian Refugees

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Manifestations of Roma against Ukrainian refugees continue in the Czech Republic. Not only due to the few incidents, but also because of the resentment of the Roma who feel that while nothing has been done in the country for them, the Ukrainians are helped more than they ever were.

Slovakia and Roma Settlements

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The Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic has published a call in the amount of almost 60 million euros, the aim of which is to create “development teams” in selected municipalities. They will contribute to solving adverse situations with an impact on both the minority and the majority at the level of the entire residential community. They will focus on employment, education, housing and the fight against anti-Roma racism.

Romani Rose on Racism

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In the context of the commemoration of the 2nd of August, Romani Rose called the European Union to outlaw anti-Roma racism alongside antisemitism.
