Daily Archives: August 26, 2023

Germany: Clan Criminality

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The Green politician Renate Künast’s move to stop using the term “clan criminality” by the North Rhine-Westphalia, a term that was heavily criticised by Roma organisations was rejected. NRW Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) told the “Bild” (Saturday edition): “You have to name problems if you want to solve them. Out of sheer fear of stigmatization, clan criminality was ignored for 30 years. We have to spoon up the soup now”.

Poland: Attack

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A reportage on the case of a man, a former soldier, who suddenly threatened Roma children in Zabrze, Poland. All the more incomprehensible, as he had been living for a long time in the neighbourhood and had friends there.

Germany, Bulgaria, and Bad Journalism

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An article in the sensation paper “Bild” about the Stolipino Mahala in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Parts of it are really poor, other less so. And here of course, as a title: “All want to come to Germany”.

