Daily Archives: November 1, 2023

Sinti in Germany

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Romani Rose commented in detail about the conflict between the Heidelberg-based Central Council of German Sinti and Roma and the federal association founded two years ago. The dispute led to the planned state treaty and the financing of the conversion and new construction of the Documentation Centre for German Sinti and Roma being put on hold. Romani Rose calls on the federal government to face up to its responsibilities and support the Central Council’s commitment rather than blocking it.

Integration in Berlin

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In 2011, the former so-called “Rat House of Neukölln” was bought by a Catholic housing company. Since then, Roma and non-Roma have been living there together at reasonable rents. The housing project is considered a successful model of integration.

Romanes in Belgrade

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By decision of the Teaching and Scientific Council of the Faculty of Philology of the University of Belgrade, since April 15, 2015, the teaching of the Romani language has been included in the basic academic studies of this higher education institution.

Within the Centre for Professional Development and Evaluation, the Faculty has been organizing Romani language courses for years, which enables graduated teachers to obtain certificates of knowledge of the Romani language and join regular classes in primary and secondary schools where the subject Romani language with elements of the national language is taught. culture.

About 600 students attend this language in schools.
