Not surprising, Paris is launching a “social clean-up” ahead of the Olympic games next year. As a result, Roma are being expulsed. In Nantes, a Roma camp that has existed for several years is being shut down, a decision that doesn’t make the unanimity in the local government. France is also continuing its expulsions, even though, since November 1st, people should be protected by the winter moratorium. Close to Switzerland, residents are protesting against travellers’ degradations. Finally, scrap metal collectors have been condemned for stealing metals, and for reselling them.
- Un “nettoyage social” des sans-abri et des migrants dénoncé à Paris avant les JO. In: RTS. 10.11.2023.
- Expulsion de familles de Roms à Nantes : que va devenir ce bidonville de Malakoff ? In: 08.11.2023.
- Reportage: Trêve hivernale – Et ils sont expulsés… In: L’Humanité. 07.11.2023.
- “Dégradations, menaces, intimidation” : des commerçants manifestent contre les occupations illicites à répétition d’un groupe de gens du voyage. In: France Info. 06.11.2023.
- Des ferrailleurs jugés pour la juteuse revente de métaux volés. In: Le Progrès. 09.11.2023.