A Canal Plus replay of the movie on the Polska Romni Papusza, a poet.
Daily Archives: January 4, 2024
Latvia and Roma Organisations
According to the President of the Latvian Roma Federation Osvald Jezdovskis, the situation with Roma organizations in Latvia is reminiscent of the gangster times of the nineties of the last century. He called on President Edgars Rinkević and Prime Minister Evika Silina to take part in them in order to protect the Latvian Roma Federation from groups that “monopolized state funding”, which should have been used for the benefit of the Roma.
Few things to relativise: There are several well stablished Roma organisations who indeed get funding from the state. To say that they monopolize the funds in this particular case means most probably that the Latvian Roma Federation was left out … The source, in Russian, may also show some bias.
- Президент ромов: ситуация с организациями ромов напоминает бандитские времена 90-х годов. Rus TVNet. 04.01.2023. https://rus.tvnet.lv/7931279/prezident-romov-situaciya-s-organizaciyami-romov-napominaet-banditskie-vremena-90-h-godov
Slovenia and Roma Discrimination
An incendiary article in the Slovene press basically saying that the Slovenian defender of the principle of equality Miha Lobnik slanders the majority population of Slovenia by saying that they discriminate against Roma. According to the article, he was not capable of naming a single case of real discrimination.
Needless to say, the article is also full of negative statements against Roma, especially the ones in the South of the country.
- Sramotno: zagovornik načela enakosti Miha Lobnik črni večinsko prebivalstvo Slovenije s podtikanjem diskriminacije Romov. In: Lokalno. 04.01.2023. https://lokalno.svet24.si/2024/01/04/283885/aktualno/sramotno_zagovornik_nacela_enakosti_miha_lobnik_crni_vecinsko_prebivalstvo_slovenije_s_podtikanjem_diskriminacije_romov/