Daily Archives: March 14, 2024

Slovakia: Role Model

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Slovakia: Role Model

Mechanical engineer and influencer Tomáš Csicsó, followed by more than 160’000 people, proves with his stories on social networks that Roma don’t have to end up in factories, but can have big dreams and ambitions, just like he had. He achieved success even though he grew up in poverty and encountered those who told him he would not make it.

Slovakia: Blank Racism

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Slovakia: Blank Racism

Children on a train were verbally assaulted by older women from the majority. For example, the said: “Smelly Roma, they should look for a job and not go on trips.” The only one who stood up for them was the conductor, who warned the passengers not to make derogatory comments.

As part of the ZEBRA project, the “Cesta von” NGO organize activities and trips for teenage children from excluded environments. They want them to meet peers from the majority and broaden their horizons. These were children from this program.


Greece: The “No one should be left behind” Project

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Greece: The “No one should be left behind” Project

The project “Empowerment of young Roma women in matters of health, prevention and human rights” implemented as part of the Active citizens fund program sees Roma schoolgirls return to their camps and teach other women a great lesson about human rights, health and domestic violence.

17-year-old student Katerina Mukani from Zefyri was one of the students trained by experts to give a great lesson on human rights, health and domestic violence to the rest of the Roma women back in the camp where she lives. She says: “My daily life in Zefyri is boring and I feel trapped. I think a lot about my life after the Panhellenic Games, while many nights I dream of the moment when I will leave Athens, even far from Greece. Educating other Roma women helped me a lot to understand that my dreams and all of us are possible because we all deserve something better. None of us should be left on the sidelines.”
